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November 2010


Going on Vacation? Some Things to Think About Before You Go

Even though I am an experienced traveller, this article is good for me to review.  I have done all these things but the more you get experienced the more you either forget or neglect to take care of.    I need to go back and make sure I have copies of all the important documents listed below that I can quickly report lost or stolen items and get them blocked from use by others as well as get them replaced.  I need to do this especially since we are getting ready for the “big boat ride” next month.

I do have the back pack and all the day use things I need when travelling is in it, but I need to empty it out and confirm that what is there is needed in there.  Over time we all tend to collect “crap”, that at some point, needs to be purged from the system.  This is true of nearly everything in life.  In the old days of travel I  used a large briefcase that carried all the things I needed but I find the backpack much easier to carry and easier on my back as I is strapped on back there with cushioned pads.

All that said, I need to pull this list of “to-do” things out and get them done before the “big boat ride”.  – WD0AJG
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Packing for a vacation can be a maddening experience. You spend hours digging through your closets, chests of drawers, and other storage spaces looking for all the right clothes. Then comes the fun part: Trying to pack it all into a suitcase while staying under the weight limit. You surely don’t want to get socked with a surcharge once you arrive at the airline ticket counter.

Throughout this mind-bending exercise, it’s easy to overlook some very important steps that can help make your vacation go smoother, especially if you suffer a loss. Here are some suggestions to consider before packing your luggage.

1. Buy a backpack. Talk about versatile baggage. Forget that small piece of luggage that comes snuggled inside your main suitcase. A backpack has multiple storage compartments that secure with a zipper, and it easily stores in the overhead bins. Best of all, you can sling it over your shoulder for easy transport.

2. Store your valuables in the backpack during the flight. This will keep them in sight, but also protects them. A 35mm SLR camera and a handheld transceiver (H-T, to you ham radio ops out there), bit the dust on separate trips because I stashed them in the suitcase. Even though I wrapped them in clothing, they still got jostled enough to break. A very costly learning experience.

3. Make photocopies of your passport. Leave one copy at home or with a trusted friend. The others are stashed in your room safe. (If you don’t have access to a safe, hide the paperwork in rolled up clothing.) If your passport is lost or stolen, the sooner you can provide the consulate or embassy with a photocopy, the faster you’ll get a new passport. You may even consider scanning the appropriate page, and leaving that file home. Your contact there can easily e-mail the file, should that become necessary.

4. Copy any pertinent medical records and prescription information as above.

5. Record the lost/stolen number of your credit card company. Include the last eight digits of your card number for quick reference. Keep a copy in your room safe and hidden in your suitcase. (Remember that thieves are most interested in valuables and cash.)

6. Leave contact information in your suitcase. Don’t rely solely on the hang tag provided by the airline or tour company. Those can tear off during flight. Stash a couple business cards inside your luggage (ditto for your backpack).

7. Buy a money pouch. These are great for storing cash and documents, including your passport. They are inexpensive and available in lots of places.

Yes, packing for a vacation can be a lot of work, but is worth it. Every moment spent carefully planning for contingencies just adds to the comfort as you are relaxing on the beach or in the pool.

Tom Fuszard has enjoyed the warm sun and sandy beaches of the Caribbean numerous times, and blogs frequently on Squidoo about travel and other topics. As you prepare for your next vacation, read his 9 Tips For A Safer Vacation so you can minimize the chances of being victimized while in foreign lands. Feel free to check out all of Tom’s columns (lenses) while there. You may leave a comment on any of them–don’t need to be a Squid–or contact Tom via

Author: Tom Fuszard
Article Source:
Canada duty tariff

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