Calendar Post by Month

November 2010


How do you deal with people that “think” they are always right?

This topic came to me several weeks ago.  I just have not had time to write it up with work and all the distractions associated.   My incident started with finding my seat on one of my flights.  Fortunately it was a short flight so I didn’t have to deal with the “I know I am right” guy too long.

Here are the details: After I had set down in my seat, here comes another passenger and he looks at his ticket and looks at me and says “You’re in my seat” and it was not said in a nice tone.  I must assume he was having a bad day like mine.  All trips back to work are bad days dealing with airlines, mean passengers and check-in, lines, and more lines and security and attendants.

I looked back at him and said ” I swore I thought this was ##G seat but maybe I am wrong?”   “His next comment as he looks at his ticket is ” no it is ##H and you’re in my seat”.  At that point I was questioning my ability to read my ticket and the overhead indication as well as the seat label.

But, with my ticket out and a quick look at the arm rest confirmed I was in the right seat, so I just pointed to the embedded letter in the arm rest and said “well I guess they swapped the seats here cause this one says it is ##G”.  He got a strange look on his face when he saw the seat number and letter embedded in the seat arm rest, that I was pointing at, and then looked back up at the indicator above the seats and looked at his ticket then looked at me with a frown and said ” well I guess I am in the window seat there”.  No apology no other comment or excuse me or nothing.

This is one example of my next few days but there were several other “I know I am right and your wrong” people involved.  My question is “How do you handle people like this”?

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My comment is “don’t you just hate them”!

Have I said lately how much I hate air travel? Well, I really do.
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