Calendar Post by Month

November 2010


Energy Saving Products – Why Are They So Important?

Today a change of pace, change of topic and back to one on the environment.  I agree with the premise of the article below, that “we-the-people” have to do our part and not wait for someone to invent that great saving item or the politicians to invent laws to force us into submission.  I also realize that it will be only a limited few that actually get involved in this as, for the most part, it is money that talks.  The money it costs you to quit wasting has to be less than the money it costs you in the waste process.   Few individuals, politicians or even countries will make that change unless it has a substantial cost to not making the change.  With that said, it is now easier to find ways and products that will save energy and if you look for them you will find them.  If you look and do not find them, ask.  Demand for something will cause it to be available more quickly.  Do your part and find ways to conserve as much as you can, your grandkids will thank you for that. – WD0AJG

Through newspapers, Internet, radio and television we hear a lot about global warming, climatic changes and energy saving. We hear experts talking about how critical it is to use energy saving products in our day-to-day lives and thus reduce pollution and loss of energy. The issue has become so important that many organizations are working hard trying to reduce energy through demonstrations and street talks to increase the level of consciousness among people.

But is it the responsibility of the organizations and scientists alone to do something about this severe issue? Of course not! We, the public, are equally responsible to stop just listening to others talking and come out and act. It is not necessary to go out in the streets and talk to strangers about this. There are different minute, but not less helpful, ways in which we can do our share. And the easiest and most convenient way for this is using energy saving products.

We know how important energy in its different forms is in our lives. Modern day life is completely dependent on energy in each of its sphere be it transportation, communication, construction, and many more. So much of energy is getting consumed every day, every minute that very soon our future generation would have no energy to use. Using energy saving products is our way to join this campaign to save energy.

Products and appliances that save energy are not as rare as we imagine. Some of them are quite common like CFL lamps, solar chargers, water saving spouts, eco kettle, energy saving plugs, etc.

Using these products is helpful not only on a global level but also on a personal level. They help us save on our electricity bills and thus save money. Though they might be priced higher than the normal energy consuming products in the long run they save so much on the bills that the cost saved is soon almost double the cost of the products themselves. So what are you waiting for? Save energy and save earth, save your future generations.

Energy Saving Products form Doctor Energy Limited.

Author: Anoop Kumar
Article Source:
How Electric Pressure Cookers Work

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