Calendar Post by Month

November 2010


Doctors and more

Boy did I get it done up good.  I have spent the last few days either talking about, going to or paying doctors.  Sure hope I don’t have to do this too many times a year.   Most of last week, since I got home, I have had discussion with my family about Dads condition.   He has a little procedure done the week before and is not doing as well as he had hoped.  Fighting with low oxygen and many other things.  Stuborn ‘ole coot, wont do what he is told to do.   Wonder where i got it from?

Yesterday I made two, a bi-annual and annual visit.  Went to the Dentist and had my bi-annual check up, came out good, other than he is still a bit worried about my implant.  I know I am not the best at caring for my teeth and am so damn lucky to have never had a cavity, but that implant is a hard one to keep cleaned out.  not like real teeth it has a space under it that has to be gouged, flushed, worked, scraped, etc.  Sure nice to have that thing for my most favorite hobby (eating) but the cleaning it requires is really a lot more than I had figured.  Oh well, that was my choice.

Next I made a trip to the eye doctor.  Came out fine there, just can’t see to read but everything else is good.  He did say there was a little dis-color in them that indicated I may have very early indication of glaucoma but it might be 10 years off?  So we have to do yearly checks not to be sure.

Today was the BIGGEE.  Seeing the General Doctor for my yearly physical.  complain about my aches and pains, get all my tests , give blood, get poked and probed and told, your just getting old and wore out!.  Damn I knew that.  He does a pretty through inspection, if you catch the drift, front and back and inside out as well as sent to lab to give several tubes of blood, urine, and xray.  For this one I have to make a second trip to discuss all the results and go over anything he thinks I need to change.

Guess I will be searching for a new Dr. as he is leaving Stillwater for a better practice.  Something I would look forward to “better conditions and fewer  patients”.  We all want something like that.

Later I put up one of the video cameras I purchased on sale last week.  It is temporary as I really want to get the power to it in a better mode without running extension cords.  But it works and now to figure out where to put the other two and how to get them all hooked up and the one put on the weather page?  Guess I will need more software for that from what I read.   It is always something more.

Then trying to be a nice guy and trim some knots out of the dogs ears I got way to close when she pulled and I cut and got a hunk of ear.  More like a gash in the top but still it was not what I intended when I started that.

So it definitely was a day of wins and losses.  Just hope the wins or “ties” were more than the loss.   In any case it will have been an expensive day no matter.   Maybe tomorrow will be a little better or at least maybe I will feel better.

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