Calendar Post by Month

December 2010


Turn Off Your Computer and Increase Home Energy Savings

This article is a focused article but I suggest that maybe we need to invest in turning off more than just the computer.  Some of the other things I have read and posted to do are :

1.  Invest in a power strip for your TV that when the power draw drops (turning the tv off) that it shuts down all the associated items so that they do not stay in “warm-up” mode.

2. Unplug that laptop power brick.  It draws power all the time, not just when your laptop needs it.

3. Unplug those other power cubes for the cell phones, battery chargers and anything that just takes a “trickle” .  Anything with a power LED will take some power, granted it may not but more than a few cents worth of power a day but multiply that times the number that you have and it will add up pretty quick.

4.  One of my biggest savings is to do what your parents told you – “turn off the lights”.  But in today’s world we all want light to show off, things or for security but put them on sensors to shut them off when not needed.

5.  One I need to remember to do a lot more of, is to shut off the “electric water heater” when we are going to be gone several days.  No need to keep water hot when you’re not there.

As my kids used to say DUH! think about it, if you don’t need it for an extended time, unplug or turn it off.


Your computer’s relationship with your energy bill goes a bit deeper than you may think. Too much of a good thing isn’t always good and your energy bill is finding this out the hard way.

Although you think that leaving the computer on during the day isn’t that big of a deal, your energy bill says something different. This relationship needs some clearly defined boundaries to help lower your energy bill and also increase the functionality and life span of your computer. Now that’s a much better relationship!

The Misconception About Screen Savers

Isn’t it funny how there’s always someone around to remind you to shut off your computer? If they don’t tell you now, they’ll be sure to tell you later. Their helpfulness isn’t what bothers you; it’s that you just don’t see the need behind shutting off the computer. It can’t be wasting that much energy, right?

So, you choose to put up a screen saver, which doesn’t seem to stop your energy crazy friend who still thinks you’re wasting energy.

According to the U.S. Dept of Energy, using a screen saver doesn’t save energy. In fact, the longer the computer stays on, the more energy it stirs up and uses. You can, however, save energy by switching over to sleep mode, but the best way to completely reduce energy expense is by shutting down the computer.

How to Make Sure Your Computer is Really Shut Down

What does shut down really mean? Sure, anyone can click a button, but is electricity still traveling to and from your computer?

The best way to guarantee that no energy is being used as the computer is shut down is by having your computer and its accessories plugged into a power strip.

A power strip or surge protector is used to provide electricity to several devices at once and provide the assurance that as the button is switched off there will no longer be an exchange of electricity.

The Effects of Turning the Computer On and Off

Some people argue that turning your computer on and off is an unsafe practice. This is up for debate, but according to the U.S. Dept of Energy, the best way to save energy and to improve the lifeline of your computer is to shut it off when not being used.

Another great way of looking at this particular debate comes from an article on the website, The author affirms us that a computer’s components will surpass the potential “frying” that could result from frequently switching on and off.

You can compare this to the way that we turn a television on and off. Although problems do occur, the likelihood that they are the result of shutting off the device is slim, while the reasons behind shutting off the computer are quite convincing.

By shutting down the computer you are giving it time to relax and recuperate. You’re also fighting against overheating by turning off the computer when it’s not in use.

Basically, the less you have your computer running, the longer it is bound to last. You can certainly inquire about a warranty if you have any serious concerns about the effects of turning off your computer. This will undoubtedly be far cheaper than paying to keep your computer running all the time.

How an ENERGY STAR Computer Can Help You Save

For those of you who want to be able to utilize a sleep mode that really saves energy, try purchasing an ENERGY STAR computer. When in sleep mode, these computers will save you around 70 percent of the energy you would have used with another computer. The computer actually has two different levels of sleep mode and offers varying degrees of energy savings.

Even More Energy Saving Tips

Once you have evaluated your tendencies regarding turning our computer on and off, you can now consider whether you want to investigate other ways to save money on your energy bill. Altogether, your appliances affect 20 percent of your monthly energy bill.

Samantha Walton currently works as a web content writer for home improvement sites. She’s a college graduate with a B.A. in communication and a concentration in public relations. She’s aspiring to one day further her education with a seminary degree. Her experience ranges from internships in marketing and public relations, content writing for local television broadcasts, to writing and editing newsletters, fliers, and other content for her local church.

Learn more about where your home could be more energy efficient by scheduling an appointment with Dr. Energy Saver. You can arrange to have an energy expert come to your home and conduct a home energy audit in Connecticut.

Don’t throw your money away. We want you to have a comfortable and cost effective home. After the experts at Dr. Energy Saver have evaluated your home they will also provide an estimate for any necessary repairs. You’ll see the results immediately!

Author: Samantha Walton
Article Source:
Android tablet, netbook

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