Calendar Post by Month

December 2010


Cruise the Eastern Caribbean – day 0


We got up too damn early to make it to the airport to wait.  But that is what is required to make the 8:40 out and have to be there about 1+ hour before time.  We actually got there about 7 AM and got checked in.

Had a wonderful breakfast at the airport at the Sonic.  But it was filling that is the best you can say for it.  Waited a little more then got our flight to Dallas and it was on time.  Actually it was a waste of going first class for a 35minute flight but that is how it was set up.  Man O Man there was a lot of Swooners at the airport.  Heck, from OKC it is only a 3 to 4 hour drive and you’re wasting an hour to get to the plane, fly 45 minutes, rent a car or ? Spend time doing that to get to the game, and back and a flight back?  Plus you probably had to park a car or pay for parking to get to the OKC airport.  Some people must have extra money they want to waste?   Although if there was a bus or something in the Dallas area that can get you from the airport to the game? It might pay with parking costs at the game?  Marginal to me? Wait, much less as I give a flip about seeing them play in any game.

Well after that excitement we get to Dallas and I check to see if:

  1. I can upgrade my return flight.  I used the “house phone” and the lady there was real nice but she said they were all booked up and didn’t look promising for the return upgrade.
  2. Then I checked that the counter if I could catch the earlier flight – the lady there was not as nice, actually she was a bit rude.  After we explained that I was a gold card flyer she said maybe.  She then called us up and said that she had coach available.  Duh! We used miles for first and I wasn’t trading a first for a coach and not get anything to boot.  Especially on a 5 hour flight.  So we stuck with what we had.  That meant waiting another 2 hours to get out after the kids left.

We got out and our first class was the last row.  Guess I should have checked that and tried to move it up some as we didn’t get the best service there either.  They ran out of chicken meals before they got to us so we were stuck with the pasta, it wasn’t bad but not great either.  Then I asked for water and they totally forgot me, everything seemed to be like we were not as good as the rest of the first class?  Maybe it was just me but sure seemed like we got less than the others.

We arrived in the dark (duh) it was 7:45pm… but didn’t take long and we got our luggage and headed out to the taxi line.  We were number 2 there and the “tender” came up , asked where we were going and told us what the rate would be and gave us a paper for that, also found out our phones worked here, sure hope it is not high dollar roaming charge?  We got a call and the kids were in and the street would be blocked to the hotel and we would have to walk a few blocks.  That is ok; I was really tired of riding.

We got in the hotel, and then took off to see a few things and get some supper.  Being Saturday night things were pretty busy in the “old down town” lot of music and streets closed everywhere for the “in the street café” business.  We got a few pictures but not sure if they will turn out as it was dark.  They had some fantastic lighting on for Christmas.




At this point the kids were happy?

Found a pizza place. I know we are in San Juan and should eat the local but this didn’t look too bad and I was tired.   Not all of us wanted that so we split up.  Met back up down another street and I was getting real tired, made the Colon plaza and fountain (which we had walked through on the way to the hotel but this was the second run at it from a different direction.  The Xmas lights were pretty and the place was packed with people.  Got back to the hotel, showered, found we had internet and checked mail but didn’t post this addition as I need to check the pictures when I have time to do that.  Got the chargers going on the phones and ended the day with – I still hate airline travel.

Old San Juan is pretty neat, similar to the French quarter in New Orleans but they speak Spanish here not Creole or French.  Tomorrow we head to the boat and get checked in for that.

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