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December 2010


Cruise the Eastern Caribbean – day 5

12-9-2010 (Thursday) St. Lucia

Not being able to keep up with the kids and having been to enough beaches for a few days we opted for a tour.  Actually the tours cost more than what the kids do but we don’t have to walk as far or as much on the tours and people tell us things.  Just wish I could remember all they tell us.  The  problem is your with a big crowd everywhere you go and it is difficult to get great pictures, or be in the right spot.

Pulling into St Lucia”



“The houses as we pull in”


swinging the ship around to dock”]


“Tied off”


We pulled into the port at a little past 8 and got tied off.  Again this is a pretty small port but one other cruise boat came in after we did.

The kids took off to Pidgeon Island so they could (some of them) climb to the top and see both the Atlantic and Caribbean from a ridge. They did some swimming and playing in the waters there.  Glad I didn’t make that one as I was tired just getting to the tour boat we took and getting back plus it was threatening rain and I might melt if I get wet.

We took the tour to the Pitons.  It is a catamaran cruise along the west coast of St. Lucia and stops at Marigot bay

“From the catamaran leaving the port and the ship”]


On the way to the Pitons “]



Inside Marigot Bay – mostly accessible by boat.”


One of the resorts in Marigot Bay – that guy is making thatched hats from palm leaves.


and Bay of Anse Cochon where they allowed a 25 minute swim while several of the local “independent business men” tried to sell their arts (stone turtles, carved wood, bracelets and jewelry).

“Local vendor selling crafts at anese bay”


=”Swimming at the Anse bay area and vendor kayaking out to sell crafts.”


=”Some of the select crafts available by local vendors”


The scenery was beautiful but it was rainy most of the way down and part of the way back.  That made for several rush moves to cover.  Strange how people get dressed to go swimming and when it rains they run for cover? Anyway here are some of the photos of the 4 hour tour we took.

“Rain is moving in from the pitons”


multiple villages along the route that their greatest livelihood is fishing.”


The Pitons”


No matter how I tried I couldn’t get much of a “self done” picture.”


Even the one we had other take were not great.”]


But we kept trying, good thing for digital cause we shot a lot of pictures that were poor at best.”


We tired pretty hard to get a picture of us with the Pitons in the background but that was real difficult.  This is the best we got of maybe 20 attempts by us and others.

On the way back several of the guests had a bit more rum punch than they needed and the dancing was going on strong.  With the help of one of the crew they all did some local dancing and then had to throw in YMCA…  I got video of some of that and it is pretty funny, strange things happen when you have free rum punch and loud music.

Some of the dancers getting started”


“Coming back toward the port”


The ship and dock in site and the day getting much better – now I need to be out to get pictures.”


We got back to the ship and did a bit of shopping in the dock side stores, again most of it tourist stuff but we looked at it all.  Not finding much to be of interest.  Then back on the boat for a late lunch and some rest before we decide to try something else.

We decided to make a family trip for dinner at about 7pm so the kids could get their special meal by the Indian Chef – they got special made Chicken Masala.

After dinner we drug ourselves back to the room and laid out but Mama had to do a little babysitting so some could get to the comedy show.

When we got back to the room after dinner this was waiting for us?  A bunny?

“The bunny or ? “


Another great day and leaving port once again with a new one for tomorrow.

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