Calendar Post by Month

December 2010


Cruise the Eastern Caribbean – day 8

12-12-2010 – Back to San Juan

Ok, the ship was in before we got up and I got up at 5:30.  They had been slow to dock every other day but on the last leg home, it seemed to be just like a horse and racing home when you turn to the stable.   We got up, made it to the breakfast line and had some more of that “already paid for food” took our time, and back to the cabin.  They wanted everyone out as soon as possible as the cleaning crews were constantly checking trying to push us out.  I can understand why as most get the rest of that day off and part of the next if they have all their work done.  I would be helping people pack in that situation.

The check out process was slow and drawn out.  You are to disembark by a set number sequence but it must have been that many did not understand the numbers or the system, even though they made the announcement in both English and Spanish every few minutes explaining it.  It was near 11 before we got our number called and again, a mass rush to get in a line for the elevators, for the check out machine on the boat, to grab you bags, to get in a huge line to get your passport checked and turn in your declaration forms, etc.… but once outside we gather up again and start the track up the hill to the hotel.  I’m begging you remember I posted pictures of coming down to the ship  from the hotel… reverse those and that is how we made it back up the hill.

It was an easy walk down to the boat but it was a pain in the ass dragging all that stuff up the hill over brick streets, fending off taxi drivers and vendors, and business hawking.  But with determination we made it up the hill to the hotel then we had the 2 flights of stairs to climb to get to the check in… the hotel is on the second floor that is actually 1 ½ floors up then the rooms may be floors above that.  Whew we were worn out.

We were a bit early to check in but fortunately they had our rooms ready (well 2 of 3) and we got out stuff in, I called to see if there was any chance of an upgrade on our flights and told for the 5th time they had none.  (Took 10 minutes on hold to find that out).  No priority on the phone for priority fliers?

We then trekked off down the street again to find lunch, after a comical walk, check the menu, walk, check the menu, walk, then damned if I know process for 30 minutes we picked a place that we hoped had something we could determine what it was.  The food was actually pretty good, even though we didn’t know exactly what we were getting…

“Sherrie got shrimp, pretty easy to see, I got chicken hidden in rice”]


“Oh and I got a bowl of red beans – they were really pretty good.”]


After lunch we had to stop at CVS and get some stuff and I had determined I didn’t need to walk all over town again, so I went back to the hotel and rested up, or tried.  There was a protest by the university that marched down the street behind the hotel.  Again protesting the raising of prices and costs for education.

“Protest march down the street and appeared to be well attended.”]


“Protestors in both directions from our balcony”]


While I was at the Hotel the others did some shopping, some seeing etc.  We gave up the idea of seeing the other “Castillo San Cristóbal” as by the pictures it looked very similar to the ”El Morro” on the hill.

We contemplated dinner and went in search of places to grab a bite but it seemed that there were not easy places just bars with food open on this night.  After a long discussion we gave up and went down the street a block to the local Burger King.  We got in line and quickly found that there were only 4 people working there and 20 people in the line waiting.  They didn’t work like other fast food places, they took one order, and got it all fixed and delivered then took the next order.  At 6 PM one of the 4 left and it was only 3 working the waiting customers.  They were efficient with how they worked it but limited on help it was a bit slow.  We got burgers to bring back to the hotel as we had not all gone out to get the food.  Amazing how good something like that can taste after all the special dining we had been doing for a week.

After the dinner we all crashed as Sherrie and I had to get up at 5AM to catch the cab at 5:45.  Our flight was at 8:30 and you have to be there about 2 hours early and in San Juan the traffic can be horrible at any time.  We didn’t even mind the noise that we were warned about (there is a bar just below our window there and it was loud earlier but by the time we went to bed we had tuned it out.   The hotel we stayed at is in old San Juan and is called “DA House”.  No TV, the rooms are very old very high ceiling types and tile floors, with shutter windows/doors to open balcony sites or views down the open areas.  It also has a roof top hot tub and sun bathing area; they do have internet and phones.  I guess the idea is you’re supposed to be out sight-seeing when you’re down there.  It was convenient to the boat dock and all the sites of old San Juan.

So ended our last day on the Big Boat adventure.  Tomorrow we do combat with the airlines and TSA.  I just hope they grope me, I need it.  – WD0AJG

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