Calendar Post by Month

December 2010


Travel back day

This will be published while I am somewhere in an airport or on a plane, on my way back to work.  The past month off has been fun but tiring and I have to get back  to work so I can rest.  Ha!

My day started yesterday early – you cal go back to my previous posts:

Rotate Rotate

Stress, Stress, Stress

I have written about my travel several times and mentioned in most blogs that I “hate airplane travel”.  I used to like it and thought it was fun but somewhere along the line it became a pain in my – back, ass, shoulders, and other parts of my body.  I think that is something to do with age but the cramped airline seats could also be partially to blame?

They are always trying to find ways to get more people in less space and charge more for it.  But isn’t every one trying to do that as well?  No matter what it is they all try to get more for it to make more profit, cause they have to make ends meet as things cost more so they charge more which causes other things to cost more and the circle is back on itself.

We may be pudgy but that is way too close”]


I am not a tall guy (6 ft) but my knees do not fit in a lot of airplane seats. If that guy leans back I have to set sideways!”


The last leg of the day (a 3 hour flight) but most of us are absolutely wasted. He locked up in mid-thought.”


Anyway, today, I will be visiting the wonderful cities of Paris and our desert airport near Hassi.   By the end of my day I will be so drug out I wouldn’t make anymore sense than this note makes now.

I will reading my “hand-over” notes trying to determine what I have been left that has to be done immediately and what can wait a day or two and what fell apart just before my “alternate” was ready to leave.  He has the worst luck of having things go “up-side-down” just as he is getting ready to leave.  That is what he says.  Then I have the great luck of walking into those problems with out a clue. but hell, I am good at “clueless” reactions anyway.

We hope to be back on in a day or two but I never know when I will have time to catch up while working those 14 hour days over there (what else is there to do?).

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