Calendar Post by Month

December 2010


Christmas Eve 2010

Well, as I end my second full day in the waste of the desert it is Christmas Eve.

It was not a day of shopping or planning for tomorrow, nor even looking forward to tomorrow.  We do not expect any gifts and finding a tree of any kind is hard to do.   We worked, wrote reports, and tried to get caught up on things that have to be done before year-end.

We are having some internal issues with changes being forced upon the workers in efforts to save more, make more and cut costs.  To that end the day started with a threatened strike by the national crews, went immediately to a “town-hall” meeting that was to be in the restaurant and was actually held in the main parking lot.  A lot of issues were aired, but as a cynic I expect little will come of the issues raised and the workers will have to bend once more to the will of the company, no matter how unfair.

We did, however, have a gathering of expats and a select few customers, to share a meal that some of our group made.  We had ham, turkey, chicken and steak with the ever common gumbo, potato salad and beans.  Not a fancy feast but pretty damn good for over here.

We take time to enjoy the meal and discuss family, friends and time off.  We also at times discuss “old times” exceptional times when we were working in other areas and doing other things.  But most of all we all seem to internally give thanks for having lived through it and for all those that have crossed our path during these times.

Tomorrow will be just another day for us.  Get up early, trudge to work and carry on as we do every day that we are here.  Counting the days until we get to go home again.

That was how my day was on this Christmas Eve 2010.  To all those that can enjoy the day tomorrow and give thought to why we really celebrate the day and share that with those you care about.  Merry Christmas too all.

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