Calendar Post by Month

January 2011


A really rotten day

Well today was one of those really rotten days.

Yesterday I had a late afternoon meeting with the boss and the decision was made to reduce our training staff (in half).  We only have 4 but with the reduction in the student load for the next 6 months they, (management), determined we didn’t need to keep everyone on the payroll.

It was not really my position (I thought) to “fire” people as I am just a coordinator but I didn’t like the way the first one was terminated – by email was fair.    I stepped in and ended up with the “you can do it” so I had to call the second guy to let him know.  He was a friend of mine that I had gotten over here so I guess I need to be the one to let him know it was over.

We had all been expecting it for a few months now.  You can’t work for this company and be blind to the lies of “our employees are our greatest asset”.  That statement is said enough trying to make people believe but in the end we are all just numbers on the finance sheet.

We all had been looking and working on contacts and other possible positions, but we hated to give up what we had for what we didn’t know anything about.

My friend took it as well as could be expected, since we had all expected it, but it still is a really bad feeling to have to do that.

The rest of the day was  a rush of things that had to be done immediately as always.  So my day, the second day of this year, was the pits and I sure hope the rest of the year is not this bad.

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