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January 2011


LED Retrofit Energy Savings and Payback

I am not sure they are cost-effective yet but they are getting there and will be vastly more efficient than regular lighting and enough more than even CFL that we should all be looking to move to LED lights at some point.  I am now, just waiting for a little more cost reduction so I can slowly start making the conversion on the most used lights.  – WD0AJG

Energy efficient lighting not only contributes to a better environment but also saves huge energy costs. By retrofitting lights you can upgrade your existing lighting system to more energy efficient one. LED retrofit is about replacing certain parts of the lighting system with others that make more sense, with respect to saving energy.

Energy savings may not be apparent immediately, but are realized only over a period of time. The savings that occur over the life time of the energy efficient device is sufficient to pay for the cost of the equipment and generate further returns.

LED retrofit technology is becoming more and more popular as a relatively straightforward and simple solution for energy savings. Commercial facilities and cities use a lot of power and the modern lifestyle also does not make it easy to reduce energy consumption. But just by adopting the LED retrofit lighting system in your office or home, you can contribute a great deal to making the planet just a little bit greener as well as reduce your energy consumption cost.

The ordinary lighting fixtures that are installed in homes and offices consume a lot of energy. Homeowners can make a wise investment towards lighting retrofit and save energy costs by more than 40%. It is estimated that if all the buildings in the US were to be upgraded to the LED retrofit lighting system, the demand for electricity can be reduced by over 30% and energy savings of above $250 billion can be made.

If you conduct an energy audit, you will understand how much energy is being wasted in your home or office, and how much savings can be made by switching to a more energy efficient technology. Retrofitting ensures guaranteed cost savings as well as positive cash flow.

An LED retrofit lighting system is expected to have a payback period of 3 years and a return of slightly above 30% can be expected. This is considering the cost of retrofit equipment, installation and maintenance.
The US Department of Energy conducted a study which found that 50% energy savings can be made in a cost-effective way by retrofitting walkway lighting. This can be achieved while still easily meeting the minimum recommended illumination levels for walkways.

LED fixtures cost more to purchase than the traditional light sources. There are many factors that contribute to the effective and economic performance of LEDs, so a range of payback scenarios exist. But a lower wattage luminaire significantly reduces the payback period. Keeping an eye on the desired level of illumination and selecting the least wattage that will help you achieve that is the best way to reduce the payback period.

LED retrofits are now available for display lighting, underwater lighting, cove lighting, residential and office space lighting, architectural details and other lighting applications. The technology is also dramatically improving at a rapid pace. Along with improvement in the chip performance and reduction in price, the payback periods of LED retrofits will continue to come down.

Energy Smart Industry brings LED Retrofit program with no out of pocket expense. Energy Smart Industry’s Green Lease Management Program (GLMP) is a unique system designed for energy efficient lighting for your building.

Author: Sushant Shukla
Article Source:
Netbook, Tablets and Mobile Computing

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