Calendar Post by Month

January 2011


Ok, I know who you are, who am I?

I wrote the other day about being a “TWEENER” when it comes to RV’er or Camper.  Now I read I am also a “TWEENER” when it comes to Facebook vs Twitter.  I started my facebook page last month, at the suggestion of my kids so I could post our pictures from the cruise.  I have done nothing with it since and already have several requests for friends from – you guessed it – Old Highschool friends.  How the hell did some of them find me so damn quick?  It’s not like I was important or anything or I would have done better with the girls back then.  I had to date girls from neighboring  schools most of my time there.  Or was that a choice, man I forget that was a damn long time ago.

Anyway, to the point, I prefer twitter and blogging for most of what I read these days.  Josh is correct in that Twitter provides short, quick, explosive statements about everything.  It is free flow emotions and wonderful snipits of knowledge floated to everyone that wants to follow.  I probably am not one of those filled with knowledge or “floating emotions” or anything worth reading but I sure enjoy what the others put out (mostly).  Some, however, is true garbage, that is why you get to choose who you follow and who you don’t and you can immediately un-follow when you get your fill of worthless dribble.   Maybe I should tweet more and let my thoughts float on the twitter waves but at this age, I hate to express too many thoughts as I am not sure how many I have left?  – WD0AJG

Facebook is a High School Reunion, Twitter is Digital Kindergarten

from The Reformed Broker by Joshua M Brown

From the mailbag:

Hey JB, I love your blog but I can’t understand how you can be so savvy about digital thingies and social media but not be on Facebook.  Wut up with that?

Facebook is a high school reunion.  Picture-sharing, gossiping, catching up, being envious of the love lives and career successes of others… and everyone’s a little bit fatter than the last time you saw them.  No thanks.

Twitter, on the other hand, is the coolest social media platform.  Lovably inept (constant outages and no clue how to make money), vibrant, constantly in motion and all about sharing.  It’s also very stream-of-consciousness, honest in a childlike way and loaded with juvenile outbursts, spats, random acts of kindness and spontaneous bouts of mass laughter.  And a constantly running show-and-tell that never turns off.

Do you realize that Twitter is Digital Kindergarten?

Do you realize that’s why it’s incredible?

You can go on Twitter and just throw something honest and crazy out and get a huge reaction from friends and strangers alike 24 hours a day!

Like, if I go on right now and be like “I love walking around the Upper West Side, it makes me feel like I’m inGhostbusters“, people are gonna relate to that and respond to that.  They will retweet and riff on it.  Not your aunt or some creep from summer camp 12 years ago, but clever people just enjoying the openness of the social web.

Which sounds more fun, attending being trapped in your high school reunion forever or going back to Kindergarten for a few minutes any time you want?

I know, right?

Follow me here (or not, it’s cool either way!):!/ReformedBroker

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The 2.0’s Are Coming! (TRB)

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