Calendar Post by Month

January 2011


Energy Saving Idea – The Trick is to Realise That Each Individual Can Make a Difference

I didn’t write this but the idea I really agree with.  Many of our current problems related to Energy, although it is not the only one but seems to be one of the biggest, is the actual lack of action by individuals and politicians.   People, individually, should do a little more and our politicians should act on some of the promises they make to get elected.  – WD0AJG

Energy conservation is something that should be near and dear to the heart of every human that inhabitants this earth. There are many commercial and private sources that are repositories for one energy saving idea after another.

The trick is to get people to see the importance of participating in some type of energy reduction program.

In a recent poll 87% of North Americans stated that energy conservation and alternative power sources were an important issue worldwide. But of these same people only 23% regularly practiced any type of energy preservation methods.

This presents a serious disparity between knowing what to do and caring about doing it.

When it comes to home energy reduction the best energy saving idea is to seal the cracks and openings around the doors and windows of your residence.

This is where the vast majority of all residential energy is lost and one of the easiest and least expensive renovations that can be completed by home owners.

A simple energy audit can identify where problem areas exist in your home. Homeowners also need to realize the weather proofing a house needs to be done not only in preparation for winter, but for summer months also.

Why so many people take a passive attitude toward energy saving ideas is a mystery. Laziness? Apathy? Who knows, but they seem to forget that energy savings translates directly into monetary savings also, you would think that the thought of some extra money in their wallet would be enough to motivate some.

But sadly the majority of people simply do not care.

If waste does not have a direct and visible effect on their lives than they don’t feel the need to act. Unfortunately this mentality may accelerate our eco-systems demise and help facilitate global warming by eroding the ozone layer that protects us from the sun’s harmful radiation.

I guess my energy saving idea is for people to get off their stump and start fixing what we have neglected for so long.

Do a search here or on the web for ideas on what you can do to save a little energy and maybe push one of you politicians to act.

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