Calendar Post by Month

January 2011


Visit Dad

Today was a trip to Enid to help Dad get his computer back on line and check some paperwork.  I got a little earlier start than normal for this trip.  Actually I was up at 5 AM and did some email and work email before going back in and stating that I was headed to Braums for breakfast if the dear wife wanted to go.  She put a move on and we made our run to Braums for some Biscuits and Gravy… oh boy, treat day!…That a treat cause my normal is to have oatmeal or a breakfast bar and some juice.

Once we got back, she thought we would wait till my normal departure – about 10:30 so we could catch him getting back from Church but today he said he would be home so I could get an earlier start on fixing the computer and checking the paperwork.  Well I could see that she was not real interested in the trip when  I said it might take about 6hours to get all the stuff fixed he wanted done so she opted to stay home and do laundry… Good excuse.

Off I started at about 8:30. When I was about 15 miles east of Enid I noticed “clouds” on the Horizon.  This turned out to be “swarms” of ducks and geese cleaning out the fields in that area.  There were a large number of fields that had been harvested for grain sorghum or bird seed and they were sure getting after that and the new wheat fields.  I had not seen this many in one area ever.  They were swarming and the clouds of them looked more like swarms of black birds.  Well on the way in I didn’t stop and wish I had because the pictures I got on the way back were only showing a small number compared to the morning groups but here is what they looked like at 4:30PM.



Look low in toward the trees those are not blackbirds but huge groups of ducks and geese coming off the fields.

There were even some white snow geese in the mix and every duck imaginable in the groups.


I worked on the computer connection for about 3 hours then we took off for lunch.  Had a hot sandwich at Quiznos and then over to Staples to check out the laptops.  We are contemplating him getting a new laptop so he can SKYPE with the rest of the family.  Before we had left for lunch we had called my brother in Ohio and had a short exchange with him and Dad seemed to like the idea of seeing and talking to the rest of us, so we may have to do that.  Staples didn’t have the cheaper laptop that I had seen in Stillwater so we just browsed and headed back to finish up the problem checking.

Got home about 5:30pm  and that was about it for the day.  A little reading of the paper, some soup for dinner and finish up this daily post.

Oh and got the computer back on line, but determined, after calling the tech support at ATT that the modem was having problems as it should not have the red power light blink once it is on and running.  But hey that modem is about 7 years old so I guess maybe it is time to give out?… next time it takes a notion to quit, we will call to see if they will replace it as he never agreed to buy it and it is actually still ATT equipment.  Will see how far that goes…



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