Calendar Post by Month

January 2011


Power chairs and more repairs.

Like I said in yesterdays late post, I now hire more repair than I used to.  I found yesterday that the Heat pump was not putting out heat and we were going to “emergency heat” on the geothermal unit way too much.  In fact every time it need to heat more than a little it had to go full tilt.  I called it in and just happens that the repair guy (from Ponca City) is going to be in Stillwater tomorrow for another call so he can fit me in no problem.  I asked that they make it early and he did.  He got here about 9:45 (pretty early having come from Ponca, and found that a 3 part, large Capacitor was bad that prevented the Heat pump from kicking on.  the unit would hum then give up with out getting the pump kicked in, then would jump to “HIGH DOLLAR ELECTRIC” mode.  I am sure that was a damn expensive capacitor and I will find out later when I get the bill.  But we are back to the way it should be in time for the next big cold spell (next week).

After that I worked on a few minor things, had a call from the office again, still more things that need to be fixed there as well.

I went to town at the normal time and we went to lunch at the Golden Dragon – we like the Thai food there and usually it is good service and good food.  Today the food was still pretty good, but the service was horrible.  The place was packed, it appeared that they were way short on help and one of the waiters was spending a lot of time in the kitchen.  There was a huge stack of dishes behind the service area as well.  We didn’t get the soup until the main course came out – they forgot the soup.  Normally we can get in and out in 30 minutes  or a little more, today it was pushed to one hour and only because we were pushing at the register to get out.

After I dropped Sherrie off at work, I went back to Wal-Mart for gas and a few things, then stopped at the locksmith to get extra keys for the new mailbox lock.  With that all done I started home when I saw this:


Three rather large ladies, with shopping bags tied on to their “go-buggies”  headed to the grocery store.  I would guess they haven’t missed too many groceries, and probably should have spent more time walking to the store?  I know it is not funny but the condition we allow ourselves to get into here with all the “comforts” we have but DAMN that is excessive in anyone’s books.  Just glad they have a support group and they we have the ingenuity to make rolling, battery powered chairs that can stand up to the riggers of cross town traffic.

After saying all that I then turned down my duty to attend an evening workout with the rest of the family.  I had a good reason, my back had hurt so much yesterday I wore my back brace all day, even to the game last night so I really do not want to aggravate that too much just yet.  Although I should get back to my exercise walking (even on the treadmill) as it was good for me.  Winter and cold sure messes up my walking.

Once I got home I worked a little on the weather page.  Trying to figure out how to get one of the cameras put up on that page?  and on my page.  I didn’t get it done yet but working on it.

it was so nice at 4:30pm that I stopped all work, grabbed a beer and let the Dogs out and sat on the back deck for 30 minutes taking in the warmth and looking out at the ducks on the pond.

I guess that about did it for this day, other than working on my list of things I really need to get done tomorrow and that will be? – for tomorrow!  Although I suspect it will include moving the 706 from the motor home to the operating desk and maybe a short test.  The weather is supposed to be warm and nice for two more days then the bottom is going to fall out so I intend to get that radio in place so I can spend the DAMN COLD days with something inside to occupy my time – or some of it. – WD0AJG

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