Calendar Post by Month

February 2011


SNOW, BLOW, BLIZZARD great day to stay inside

Well the weathermen were right this time.  They had been warning for days about the cold and bad weather coming.  How much can you really trust the weathermen?

This time it was spot on for us, Wind hit last night at about 10:30pm.  I was Hamming it up on 40 meters doing some PSK31 contacts and having a great time.  I could hear the feed line hitting the outside wall so I knew it was blowing hard as that line it tied down all the way except where it drops to enter my shop-office window.  Anyway the work on 40 was not too bad but a lot of QSB on the signals.  See my last 30 contacts here :  WD0AJG log page.

By 11:30pm I was ready for bed time and started out – there is a short distance from the shop to the house and boy that wind was cold and strong… no wet stuff yet but damn cold.  Got in the house and went to bed, nice and warm…

When I woke up at about 6:30 the light on the deck was flashing on and off (motion sensor) due to all the blowing snow, I guess and from looking out the big atrium door to the deck there was about 3 inches on the deck and I could see that it was white out beyond I just decided to hop back in bed.  Everything is shut down anyway so I just as well stay warm.  A couple of hours later I had to get out of bed and this is what we could see from the back side of the house.


The wind had been just right to channel the snow on the deck.


The sun catcher is not seeing any sun and the wind chime is not really chiming, both are just hanging on for life.


Not totally a white out, I have been in worse but not good for 1:30pm…?


Hard to tell but the Ducks and Geese were not too bothered, and even with the really cold temps the water was not freezing on top?

Probably had to do with the fact it was blowing enough to keep the water churning in the pond, bringing up warmer water to keep the top from freezing over.

when the wind quits it will be froze as the temps today are hanging from 6 to 20 ( I think the high was last night after midnight) degrees with a –15F wind-chill…

My WX station

So what did I do all day, work on taxes, yuk!… trying to get all my stuff in the right “piles” so I can grab what I need to get it in the right spots.

Would be so much easier if we had a “Fair tax” system… comes out when you spend and every one pays the same share no matter so those that make a lot more and spend a lot more will pay a lot more… but doubt it will happen as our politicians would get cut out of the freebies and benefits from all the lobby interests.

I think tonight I will get back on the radio and have some fun anyway… maybe see someone on 40 meters tonight.  – WD0AJG

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