Calendar Post by Month

February 2011


Do you Enter you’re old paper logs on the computer or LOTW?

How many of you have done this? 

I intend to put some of them on LOTW and eQSL and to keep them in my database as the paper logs will possibly get lost, destroyed, or fall apart.  I have already lost my very first logbook and can’t find it.  It would not contain a lot of important stuff but one ham already has put in his eQSL of our contact back in May of 1977.  A CW contact. At this point I can not truly confirm that one as I just do not have the logbook to go back and pull it.  I have searched everywhere and I know I had them but damned if I know where and after 5 moves and several years of storage, for a lot of my stuff, it has not surfaced.  I will keep looking but doubt now that it will turn up. 

One of my reasons is that I did a lot of work on 160 mtrs during the mid 80s’s.  I had a good location, built an unusual antenna configuration and had a lot of luck on 160 with out much more than 100 watts.  In reality several other hams looked at my antennas and when I told them the lengths of the legs they said it should not be any better on 160 than a simple dipole but I could prove to them the gain it would have by simply attaching some jumpers to different legs and grounding some.  It was an oddball concoction but it sure worked good for me at that point.  It even did well on all the other bands, although because of the leg lengths is became more directional for the other bands.  Maybe I should try to put together how I built it and save that, someone else may want to try it.  I was on a regular size city lot 75 x 125 ft, so I had to improvise some of it, actually most of it.

Today I got the parts to build a noise filter for the power input to my Icom 706.  During my weekend PSK contacts one of my QSO’s led to the problem of so much noise in my jeep to make HF work there almost impossible unless I turned the engine off.  He recommended this filter that is simple to make.   So I went out and got the parts for it and have started the process.  I got all but the GOOP as I thought that I had some but after looking all over, I have found that I did not have any left and will have to get that tomorrow and finish up the project then.  I intend to get it set to wire up for the unit in the shack first and see if it can take out some of the noise I seem to have there from all the things that are plugged in and running.  I for sure will be using it in the Jeep and build one for the motorhome as there seem to be some noise there that jumps in when you turn on the florescent lights.  That noise may be coming in on the power as it is all holled up to the 12 volt house batteries.  No more than the parts were and the time to build I will be worth to to have on for both radios, even if it just helps a little it will be worth it.

I also ran several other errands today and got some needed financial stuff done.  For our evening entertainment we are attending a class on monday nights about financial freedom and success.  Actually a back to basics of money and how to control it and not let it control you. 

That was out day and now it is time to relax and get to bed.  I have to go help my Dad tomorrow. 

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