Calendar Post by Month

February 2011


Busy and the options

Today I am in Enid helping Dad with some issues.

On the other notes, man it was cold last night.  Setting records in  northern OK for low.  Here it was  – 10 F.  It did get up to 28 during the day but the snow, for the most part, did not go away at all.  The roads are a mess, other than the main roads are being plowed but streets, drives are really bad.  The sun did shine today and hopefully tomorrow it will get … above freezing.

So with all that I am doing the possibility of more Hamming went out the window.  I had plans to be on the radio the last two days as we know this storm was coming.  I also had hoped to finish up the power -noise filters but that didn’t happen either.  I have not even had time to read the new QST that came this week.   I don’t have any great reports to tell and things are just progressing.

I can show some pictures of my hurried trip over here yesterday -Wed… Oklahoma roads in Northern OK are not great after some of these storms…

This was a better section of HWY 412 Wednesday”][/caption]


Actually here I was trying to show the ducks and geese that were still here as I had stated back 2 weeks ago in  huge numbers.  They come to the fields in this location to pick up grain from the recently harvested milo and millet fields.  My windshield was dirty, it was damn cold and I was not stopping for long to get out so this was the best I could do.


A lot of the road, which for 35 miles is supposed to be 4 lane, was actually two lane and barely at that…

So that was what I saw coming over.. Today we did personal stuff and there were a lot of people out on the roads… some should not have been.  Several stuck at corners , in intersections, some driving too fast and hitting their brakes and whoosh, right through the intersection, but that is how it is here.

Maybe tomorrow I will get back home and get myself ready for the trip back to work… not enthused about that at all but a necessary evil.

Just suffice to say, we are that point of reverting back to care for parents as we did for kids,  I am extremely busy and checking out some options for the next stages of life for older parents.

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