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February 2011


Lybia, Cleric, Trust, Leader?

Below is a quote from this article

Gaddafi loyalists launch attacks against civilians as conflict in Libya escalates

Tribal and religious leaders condemned Gaddafi for the attacks against civilians; some urged all Muslims to rise against him. Influential Muslim cleric Yusuf al-Qaradawi told al-Jazeera that he urged any Libyan soldier who has the opportunity to kill Gaddafi – and issued a religious decree to that effect.

"I am issuing a fatwa now to kill Gaddafi," the cleric said. "To any army soldier, to any man who can pull the trigger and kill this man to do so."

What kind of religion or religious leader can promote killing? Granted Gaddafi is not an ideal person either and should have been removed decades ago, that said I do not think the “ends justify the means”.  He will be removed, and then it should be up to the law (Libyan and international) and the will of all the people, not the few, to condemn him or not and the ultimate punishment.  God will have already set his punishment for later.  Beyond all that, should this type of religious leader gain further strength, how can the rest of the world trust him or them?  Would that be better than what they are now?  I fear the outcome may be worse than the current situation for all.    – WD0AJG

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