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February 2011


Ambition – a search and review

I had very little ambition today and it hit me, to look it up.  Damn internet is a wonderful thing and Google does a find job for searching these things.  I found some quotes that I selectively liked more than others so I put them here with the definition.  – WD0AJG


From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

"Ambitious" redirects here. For the 2006 J-pop song, see Ambitious! Yashinteki de Ii Jan.

For other uses, see Ambition (disambiguation).

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Ambition is the desire for personal achievement. It provides the motivation and determination necessary to achieve goals in life. Ambitious people seek to be the best at what they choose to do for attainment, power, or superiority. Ambition can also be defined as the object of this desire.

Acquired power can be wielded in the name of a vague or clear ideal or multiple ideals. When ambition is used to seek a clear ideal, it develops a close relationship to extremism. Throughout human history, many examples can be found of people who were extremely ambitious, for better and for worse. The notorious Greek Herostratus had the ambition to become famous by destroying the Temple of Artemis.

The Irish poet Oscar Wilde said that "Ambition is the last refuge of failure."

Keep away from those who try to belittle your ambitions. Small people always do that, but the really great make you believe that you too can become great.

  Mark Twain quotes (American Humorist, Writer and Lecturer. 18351910)




Never doubt that a small group of thoughtful, committed citizens can change the world; indeed, it’s the only thing that ever has.

Margaret Mead quotes (American anthropologist whose great fame owed as much to the force of her personality and her outspokenness as it did to the quality of her scientific work, 19011978)

Ambition is the path to success. Persistence is the vehicle you arrive in.

Bill Bradley quotes (American retired NBA Basketball Player and Senator, ran for President in 2000, b.1943)

Nothing can stop the man with the right mental attitude from achieving his goal; nothing on earth can help the man with the wrong mental attitude.

Thomas Jefferson quotes (American 3rd US President (1801-09). Author of the Declaration of Independence. 17621826)

A man’s worth is no greater than the worth of his ambitions

Marcus Aurelius quotes (Roman emperor, best known for his Meditations on Stoic philosophy, AD 121-180)

Ambition is enthusiasm with a purpose

Frank Tyger quotes

Now a few Ambition posters for your review…







Also do not repeat in public what you hear on TV shows – especially “The Office”!

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