Calendar Post by Month

March 2011


It’s just another tool for Instant Gratification

It occurred to me last night, while talking to DAD on Skype, this is just another tool of Instant Gratification.  Unlike most of the others that appeal to the younger generation it appears the SKYPE may be for all. 

My Reason for this conclusion – 1.) Dad (he is 84) hates to type anything – in fact he won’t unless he is forced into it.  2.) He never learned to type other than the old “hunt and peck” method.  3.) His eyesight is bad and with the monitor and the keyboard in two different locations he has problems with the looking up, looking down, looking up, looking down, add to that the need for glasses that work at different distances and changing light conditions – viewing the screen was hard on him when he was trying to type something out.

When I first put that on his computer a month ago, he was not sure he liked it.  I think that his is age-fear of trying new stuff or having to learn new things to do.  As he has aged and me as well, we tend to get “comfortable” with the way things are and just hate it when changes happen.  (now i know also why so many companies push “change management” courses and “how to cope with change” statement – it is for the older people – those over 35.)   Last night while we were talking he said he liked this new Skype thing.  I asked why and he said “I don’t have to type anything anymore, I can lean back in my chair and talk to you and see you at the same time, all I have to remember is how to answer the call when you all call me”.  

It has been working great as he is now talking to nearly all the family on Skype and we can check to see how he looks.  Just a view of him will tell us if he is feeling ok or not and how things are going with him.  We should have done this a long time ago. So for us older folks, Skype is now a tool for “Instant Gratification”, see that grandkid, talk to the old folks, see how they are doing with out asking and wondering if they are telling you the truth. 

I hope to take the time to test using Skype with my Ham Radio setup.  This might be another form of “Instant Gratification”?  There are instructions on using it for remote control of your radio through HamRadioDeluxe control/logging software.  I am not sure I would ever use it that much but it would be fun to test.   I like to set in front of the radio when I am Hamming.  – WD0AJG

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