Calendar Post by Month

April 2011


Busy morning and then–off to Dallas

Today was another of those hurry days.  I am not sure why but we always seem to get al opt of stuff scheduled for “trip days” just before we leave?  I need to take a better planning course or something. 

First off this morning I did the small stuff, like water the sparrows in the sparrow trap and put some food in… oh I forgot to tell about putting the sparrow trap back out.  It is nesting time and the damn sparrows are hogging all the prime spots for the blue birds and purple martins.  They are pesky vermin in my opinion and  I prefer to reduce their population in favor of the real song birds and bug eaters.  So the trap went back out Sunday and we already have 5 trapped. I should have reduced the “herd” today but didn’t have the time to deal with that part, therefore I just fed and watered those on the inside and maybe they will invite some of their friends in?  You might remember I wrote about it before – Good and Bad birds.  When we were preparing to leave at noon I saw 5 of the martins checking out the martin house but a pesky sparrow had claimed it and was guarding it well, I will try to help him out (of his situation) as soon as I get back home…

After the Bird duty, The BUG MAN showed up to spray the inside of the house and dust the attack and crawl space.   WE may have to change spray companies as this one pay on a per job basis so the workers are not obliged to do good work, just fast work.  Will have to check some out. 

Then the storage builder came by.  I want them to build me a “lean-too” addition on the north of the barn so I can hid my garden equipment and some of the scrap stuff I store outside – boards, pipe, etc.  I hope it wont cost too much but it will be very useful to get that stuff under cover and not setting out in the rain, and it will clean up the visual area north of the barn where I store most of that stuff now. 

Once we got through will both those, I took off to town to check out the wiper motor repair or replacement for the Jeep. Yesterday evening I got the fan switch changed in the jeep and took off the rear window wiper… mysterious reasons that both should quit.  Especially when I just changed the heater fan switch 2 years ago but maybe it was a bad one?  You can’t just change the switch.  You have to swap out the whole panel thing that has the fan, temp and air or vent switch on it… and it is not cheap… but it is swapped out – again – and the fan now works but the rear wiper – is off for rebuild.  A replacement for new was $207 and only the dealer had that.  But one of the auto parts stores said they could send the old one back in and get a rebuild on it for about $100… since I seldom use that wiper, that was my best  option, although it will take 2 weeks to get it back. 

After that I met  up with the family had we h ad lunch.  Today was an unusual thing for me, we went to the Hideaway.  I had the lunch hideaway sandwich.  I can remember 40 years ago when we had to have a sandwich from “Bills Italian” or the Hideaway pizza on a late Saturday night.  Back then they delivered them in VW bugs to all the dorms and apartments.  It was great food back then and the sandwich was still pretty good today.  Most people would not know that the Hideaway back then was south of the church – a block south and half east of where it is now.  And it was a dinky little place but they could put out a lot of good food.  Anyway, back to my stuff, we finished that and made it home to pack and hit the road to Dallas.  We need to watch the Grandson play ball and I had not been down there since way back last summer…

While I was packing I took time to get the hummingbird feeders out since I spotted the purple martins out looking at future residences, I knew the hummers should be coming through as well. 

On the way down we ran into the same old road repair at Purcell.  What is up with them, can’t they get that damn section repaired.  It has ben in some type of repair through that section for the past 3 years?  They are also working on the road south of Ardmore.  That one, I think , will be the last of the “blacktop” sections replaced with concrete.  Then, of all things the Casino at the state line is doing more construction.  Hell it is like the 3rd largest casino now and they are adding, what appears to be, a parking garage.  Casinos must be a damn good business. 

It was great getting to Frisco (I know I said Dallas but most people confuse this Frisco with the others)… as they had supper ready when we walked in, then a hour spent in the hot tub after dinner soothed out a lot of the aches and pains and now I am just about ready to snooze off… Another busy but great day. – WD0AJG

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