Calendar Post by Month

April 2011


Big projects!

Well not really big.  In fact most of the projects I did today were small one but they took me all day.  Since I didn’t get this in yesterday I will also include the project completed yesterday morning.

Yesterday I hustled off to Lowes to get some DIRT… Yes, I know we have a lot of dirt on our own place and I used some of that by hauling some “silt” from the drain into the pond up for the “raised garden”, but I needed some good topsoil for that box.  I made a trip to Lowes for this and they had 40lb bags on sale for $0.98.  I just bought 40 of them to finish filling off the raised garden.  Once I get 1/2 water line run to it for the drip irrigation I will be done and the family can plant what ever they want in this box:


Starting the bag unload into the raised bed.


All full, waiting on the water line and plants…

That was yesterday mornings project.  Today it was to get the motorhome out and flush out the water tanks and lines and make sure there were no nasty little bugs growing in there.

I have posted before about proper maintenance of the fresh water and other tanks in your RV  (Keep the Fresh water tank of your RV in top shape).  Since mine had been in storage for the past 4 months it was time to get a good flushing done on that fresh system to make sure it was clean and ready.  So I did a good sanitizing of the tank.  While I was giving the tank with chlorine a waiting period I decided it was time to get that “flagpole buddy” I bought last fall, put on and put the flag up for a test. I got that flagpole and the mounting brackets cause it looked neat and I had seen a lot of those that had flags on their RV so this was a quick way to put one up, plus it could double as a pole for a wire antenna at some point when I get coax run to the back and make me a dipole, or inverted ‘L”, to hang off that thing.  I have a vertical I can use but sometimes you just need a dipole to make things work right?  I not that the pole is fiberglass, the cost was not too much considering I got all the hardwire, the pole and a flag and it mounts up quick.  Anyway here is the result of the Flagpole Buddy install…

IMG_3215  IMG_3216


Yes it was windy this afternoon.  Not too bad for Oklahoma as we only had 2 1/2 links on the log chain floating in the breeze.   I think it will make a good antenna pole and sometimes we can fly the flag.  What do you think?

After getting all that done and the tanks flushed out and ready I had to clean out the RV garage side some.  swept it out and hauled out some scrap that I had been saving.  Strange how we save stuff all the time thinking it is going to be used later and that later never comes?  Since we are supposed to have the potential of bad weather tomorrow I slipped the flag pole off, put I away and then backed the RV back into the garage to wait for another day to hit the road.  Maybe this weekend or maybe next?  That is the problem of still working we can’t just hop in and take off like we want to…

Yesterday I had a talk with our neighbor to the north.  He also has a nice big motorhome and he retired this last winter.  He said they determined it was cold and they took off for South Texas and spent a month walking on the beach and soaking up the warm sun before coming home.  He said, as soon as it gets too hot, we are headed out west for the mountains to spend a month or two or three cooling it.  I was real envious of his situation but know that I will get there in the not too distant future.  That was my day here and it was a great day.  – WD0AJG

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