Calendar Post by Month

April 2011


Mutual Fund Investing

My investing is in single stocks, Mutual Funds, ETFs and others items.  In single stocks you have to study all your stocks and know what your investing in and why.  Suffice that takes a lot more of your time input than Mutual Fund investing.  There are those that can lead you to a group of Mutual Funds that can give you better than average returns and you don’t have to study the huge number of stocks, just study the fund, its returns over time, and the management that runs the fund.  I have read a lot of things about Fund investing but no matter what direction you take you must know what your getting into, what its’ costs are, and do you know enough that you can explain it to someone else.  If not, you better hire someone else to help you out.  Only a very small percentage of people make money by sticking money into something they don’t understand or know anything about.  Most loose money doing that, I know from personal experience.   If you serious about going with Mutual funds, then check out several informative websited and one of those that I really like is the Motley Fool and in that I really like the paper they sell “Rule your Retirement”.  That investment letter has just what you might need if your looking for this type of investing. I am sure there are others but I have been reading this one and like what I have seen. – WD0AJG


Mutual fund investing requires that you continuously check the returns it has given in the last five years, 3 years minimum. Find out the top mutual funds by category and pick the best. Mutual funds are exceptional for new investors because you can invest small amounts of money at regular intervals with no trading costs. It is helpful to understand the investment basics.

It is important to understand mutual fund investing by category since there is a different investment risk and different rewards associated with it. There are different types of mutual funds ranging from blue chip funds, mid cap funds, small cap funds, and many more. Mutual funds are categorized by the way they yield returns to investors. They can be fixed income, global, growth, core, mixed equity, sector, and mixed equity. Research on this topic is crucial in order to avoid possible investing errors when mutual fund investing.

When relying on mutual fund investing, be sure to decide where you want your funds to be positioned. Ensure that you do the research required and find the top mutual funds by category. Mutual funds are a hot commodity with individual investors and financial institutions. Mutual funds are actively managed by a financial money manager who constantly monitors the stocks and bonds in the fund’s stock portfolio. Mutual fund investing is a good match for traders interested in long term investing.

Mutual Fund Investing by Category Include:

Equity funds: Equity funds are high investment risk funds.

Growth mutual funds: One of the top mutual funds by category a well as the most popular.

Core: These are large cap blend funds owning big companies with standard stock prices.

Global: An index of different countries would be the deciding factor of such mutual funds performance.

Fixed income: This type of mutual fund provides a fixed cash-flow to investors. When mutual fund investing, it’s wise to invest largely in government and corporate debt when the fund holdings increase in value.

Sector: These mutual funds are restricted by particular market sectors.

Mutual fund investing is great for long-term investments strategies.

Investors who partake in mutual fund investing should understand the investment objectives, the risks, and the expenses of a fund very cautiously before investing in stock. Investors will usually buy shares in small quantities through a broker at a discount to the net asset value or at a small premium. Investors who use a tax-advantaged account can avoid paying taxes on mutual fund distributions when mutual fund investing. Investors like to see the rate of return on investment for a mutual fund, and know how that fund compares to like funds.

When mutual fund investing, shares of mutual funds will vary in value. They are also subject to investment risk, including possible loss of the principal amount invested. Shares of mutual funds are not guaranteed by financial institutions and are not insured by the Federal Reserve Board or by the Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation. Share of mutual funds will involve risk due to the fact that they include the possible loss of the principal amount invested. Shares of mutual funds are bought and sold at the fund’s net asset value when mutual fund investing.

Money market funds hold 26% of mutual fund assets in the United States and they have somewhat of a low risk as compared to other types of mutual funds. Money market funds are also known as principal stability funds and are a great investing strategy to learn. Money market funds are included in strategies used for portfolio diversification.

Mutual Fund Investing is a great way to make money investing in stock. A site dedicated to investing using Japanese Candlesticks.

Author: Stephen Bigalow
Article Source:
Low Cost, Quick Turn PCB Prototype

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