Calendar Post by Month

April 2011


Diesel Motorhome – 3 Reasons to Get a Diesel

I guess this is an OK article about getting a diesel motorhome.  Some thoughts about that.

1.  It will normally have more power and will travel down the road a lot better – some of this is due to the diesel but a lot is due to the upscale model you will have to get to move up to Diesel.  It will be a bit heavier built and if a pusher the noise will be moved to the back away from the driver – I like that.

2. It will cost more for service.  In a gas engine you have maybe 7 quarts of oil – in a diesel you normally have a couple of gallons of oil  for the change.  You will not pull one of these into the normal “quicklube” spots for an oil change.  It will also cost more if you have any other service needs – injectors are  a lot more expensive than plugs, diesel fuel pumps are more expensive then gas pumps, etc… but that diesel, if cared for, will last a lot longer under constant heavy load than a gas engine.

3. It should get better mileage but the cost of the fuel is higher – trade off there.

4. Not to be forgotten the base cost will be higher – due to all the above and more.

I am sure there are a lot more comparisons that can be made , but I sure like our diesel compared to the precious gas engine.  It drives better, smoother, has a lot less wind pull from the big trucks and just seems to hum along great at 63mph.  We also stepped up in size by getting bump outs that the old one did not have.  We are essentially the same length at 36 but the extra room when you move those walls out is tremendous – which has little to do with the Diesel perse but it required more power to pull the heavy load of all that extra stuff.  – WD0AJG



Once thought only as a long-haul trucker’s tool of the trade, the diesel engine is proving itself a flexible and economical power plant – especially in a diesel motorhome.

After years of declining interest in the United States, the diesel engine is again gaining popularity as it powers everything from tiny economy cars to powerful pickup trucks to the largest 18-wheelers on the road. Naturally, there are many reasons for this resurgence in popularity of the power plant that has been with us since 1892 when Rudolph Diesel first received a patent for the engine that bears his name, and is still being improved upon to this very day.

Economical operation, tremendous longevity and simplicity are three of the best reasons I can think of to get a diesel motorhome, and I will tell you the reasons behind my thoughts.

Economical Operation

It is no secret that a diesel engine will squeeze more miles out of a gallon of diesel than its gasoline-fueled counterpart – why is this? First, diesel fuel contains about 10% more energy than gasoline, quantities being equal. Second, the diesel engine has a compression ratio about twice that of a regular gasoline engine – and that extra pressure is what gives diesel engines their legendary torque and power. All the better to power your large diesel motorhome!


How many times have you read of a Mercedes diesel going one million miles? 18-wheel commercial transport tractors regularly cover hundreds of thousands of miles with their diesel powered rigs without complaint.And, as the newer generation of full-size diesel-powered pickups ages, it’s not unusual to see these trucks racking up in excess of 250,000 trouble free miles.

Why are diesel engines so reliable? Aside from a General Motors converted gasoline engine in the late 1970’s, diesel engines are built extra heavy-duty to withstand the tremendous stresses from the super-high compression ratios diesels need to run. All internal components have to be much stronger than a gasoline engine to survive this tough environment. And, those extra-tough internals translates into a long and happy life powering your diesel motorhome.


Diesel engines have no ignition components – no spark plugs, wires or anything else that will fire the combustion mixture. Also, diesels have no throttle – engine speed is controlled by the volume of fuel added. And, now with modern computer-controlled everything, the modern diesel engine is a model of simplicity. Once again – all the better for those long vacations in your diesel motorhome.

Of course, these aren’t the only reasons to get a diesel motorhome, but I think they are compelling enough to demand a diesel in your next motorhome.

Don’t Buy That Diesel Motorhome Until You See Everything That Has For You!

We Also Have Accessories For Diesel Motorhomes At

Author: Sam Gentry
Article Source:
Buying Camera in US, Pick up at Canadian border

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