Calendar Post by Month

April 2011


The Birds!

Went out this morning and saw this on my tower:



The Neighborhood Purple Martins were all up there “preening”.  They sure like the tower, wish they liked the two houses I have for them but they look and few stay.  We did have 2 nesting pairs last summer in one house.  It is a big fight to chase off the sparrows long enough for the Martins to step in.

Busy morning, off to recheck with skin Dr – no skin cancer but he prescribes really expensive stuff for a simple itch?

Next to the barber – gotta get a shear before the 5 weeks in the Dunes… no spice there!

Then to mail off a book I sold.  Weeding out the read stuff – if you break even or gain a little your ahead as they are no longer taking up space here – I read it already and most of them I won’t go back and re-read.

Then back to the house, check email, damn camera 1 is logging off and going dead?  can’t find a real reason – it just gets tired?  Maybe it is wet?  but it is supposed to be an outside camera?  Reset the power on it twice and it came back but died again?  now back again?  no explanation for that and no time to investigate.

Making a list of things to do when I get home next.  Damn the list is bigger than it was last month?  what is up with that?  I am sure I got something done?

Back to town for lunch and then get gas in the jeep – stopped by to pick up meds and – told them no way!  I would live with the itch – $100 for my part after insurance is ridiculous!

Home again and it is still wet the camera died again, but back on after one reset – finished up moving the movies to the tablet, checked the packing – will need to get one more thing in morning put in.

Back to town for the Financial class thing, and home… whew we are busy doing a lot of nothing here.  oh in in the middle of all that talked to Dad about his visit to his Dr and his done things for the day – he missed lunch with too much going on at noon time so he will double up on early supper.  He seemed to be in better spirits today so that was good.

Now off to shower and bed before the double long day tomorrow that just runs into Wednesday with out a nice warm bed in the middle – I hate travel days.  – WD0AJG

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