Calendar Post by Month

April 2011


Good Reads on Energy and Washington

Some of the good reads I like to share.

In the first article it is amazing that the President and the media are so quick to attack the oil and gas industry for high prices.  Although is visually obvious when you are paying 25 % more this year than last for gas there is a problem , it is not obvious where that problem lies.  I suggest that the Banks are making obscene profits right now from free govenment money printing – when will they be investigated?  I have written before and it is fairly easy to find that 70% or more of the oil now is produced by “National Oil Companies” not the “Big Oil Industry” as we all would like to think.  The big companies like Exxon and BP are small compared to the National Oil companies.  Think Libya, Saudi, Kuwait, Iran,Iraq, China, Venezuala,Algeria, etc.  they all have their own national oil company and they generally control over 50% of all oil activity in their countries and tell the others what they will and will not do.  I work in one and the “international” companies are small players and small partners in any of this.  One of my recent posts covered this as to who controls the oil in the world.

As of this date there are 178 Co-Sponsers to the Natural Gas Act relative in item 2 below.  This one just makes sense.  The article also throws out some investment ideas that need to be followed. -WD0AJG


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