Calendar Post by Month

May 2011


Save a Million Gallons of water

I am into this.  I will help save the million gallons of water, but probably not all because I am really interested in saving the environment but an additional motive is – I just hate to shave… – WD0AJG


Environmental Protection

Budweiser Asks Guys to help Save a Million Gallons of water by Not Shaving
  • May 18, 2011

Budweiser is asking adult men across America to help save one million gallons of water by not shaving in the days and weeks leading up to World Environment Day (June 5).  As part of Budweiser’s ongoing commitment to water conservation, the Grow one. Save a Million. program allows consumers to get involved and save roughly 5 gallons of water for each shave they skip.*

Consumers 21 years of age and older can visit Budweiser’s Facebook page ( to make a pledge and share the program with Facebook friends.  Participants can commit to a range of options, from a few days to multiple weeks.  Ladies can get involved by recruiting male friends or family members.  The page also features a daily tracker of the gallons saved to date.

"Water is a key ingredient in the brewing of Budweiser and all our beers, which is why water conservation is a priority both inside and outside our breweries," said Kathy Casso, vice president of Corporate Social Responsibility at Anheuser-Busch.  "In the past three years alone, our 12 U.S. breweries have reduced water use by 34 percent.  Additionally, our employees and their families take action by volunteering to participate in local river cleanup projects in communities across the country."

In 2010, more than 1,200 employees from Budweiser brewer Anheuser-Busch skipped shaving for one week prior to World Environment Day, helping to save about 42,000 gallons of water.  This year, Budweiser is expanding the effort by inviting suppliers, partners, wholesalers, retailers and consumers to join the effort.

"Every gallon of water that we save makes a difference to our communities, so when thousands of people get together for one common cause, great things can happen," said Chad Pregracke, founder of Living Lands & Waters and the face of the program on Budweiser’s Facebook page.  "By pledging to skip shaving and ‘grow one,’ guys can literally wear their commitment to conserving our most valuable natural resource."

In 1998, Pregracke founded Living Lands & Waters, a not-for-profit organization based in East Moline, Ill., dedicated to cleaning up and preserving our nation’s rivers.  Today, the organization has grown to include 10 full-time employees.  Pregracke’s crew travels and works in an average of 9 states a year along the Mississippi, Illinois, Ohio, Missouri and Potomac Rivers, as well as many of their tributaries.  Since the organization‘s inception, over 60,000 volunteers have helped remove more than 6 million pounds of debris from our nation’s greatest rivers.   For his efforts, Pregracke has received numerous national awards.  Most recently, he was honored at the Points of Light Institute’s Celebration of Service in Washington, D.C.where all four former presidents were in attendance to celebrate the power of voluntary action.

As part of its annual recognition of World Environment Day, Anheuser-Busch and its Budweiser brand will again donate $150,000 to River Network to help support the organization watershed conservation projects in each of the company’s 12 U.S. brewery cities.  These projects will include stream/river cleanups, education programs, tree plantings and various activities that support the environment and provide employees and local wholesalers the opportunity to volunteer in their communities.

World Environment Day is a day set aside by the United Nations to create awareness of the environment and encourage participation in sustainability programs.  Anheuser-Busch and its parent company, Anheuser-Busch InBev, annually recognize this day and engage employees around the world to take action and get involved in projects that are beneficial to the environment and their local communities.

Copyright 2010, 1105 Media Inc.

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