Calendar Post by Month

June 2011


Bills and catching up

This was my second day home and I had a horrendous amount of stuff to pay for, catch up on and fix. 

My first stop was to just get out so went and had breakfast at Braums – that biscuit and gravy sure was good.  Next was the obligatory haircut.  Five weeks had turned the shaggy on me.  I then had to pay one of the Doctor bills that requires the debit card payment.  Next I went out to the building place and paid up for the storage shed they built.  Steel is damn expensive these days.  Next stop was to check some Health food stores for my Dad.  He was looking for some special herb thing but no one I went to had what he wanted.  The next stop was Lowes to get some trimmer cord for the weed-eater and a repair for the solar walk lights.  Then over to the auto mechanic to have him check the jeep, the rear spring are way too weak and we just replaced them 2 years ago.  He looked it up and said the would be warranty work but couldn’t get it until Tuesday.  So I scheduled to take it in Tuesday morning to get “re-springed”.   Then I made it back to the bank to put in a small check refund and pick up some cash and back home and it was nearly 11am.  Four hours shot to hell in nothing. 

After lunch I started making a few round in the yard and found that no one had pulled weeds or done any trimming for the past 5 weeks.  Well they say the pulled weeds from the front area – hell it is filled with rocks and there could not be too many weeds.  Not like the other flower beds and edging that was needed.  I pulled some  weeds where I could then got set to start on the storage area and get a shelf in it to put up the ‘scrap” lumber that I always save.  Most of this is treated lumber and good for little projects that need to be done around so I just save it.   I didn’t get too far on that and was already wore out.  Still some lag from the the 2 day fly time and I was not on the right schedule yet.  

I had a conversation with Dad about going to a wedding and travel and when it would be but nothing was confirmed.  I made a few calls and tried to catch up on the mail that is left for me in a box.

That just about wiped out my day..

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