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June 2011


Q-signals for Old Farts by AE5X

I really liked this – so am saving a copy here for future reference – check out the original at….



New Q-signals for Old Farts

5 June 2011 | by John AE5X  |  Share |   |  Leave a Comment (0)

A recent article on eHam called for the creation of some new Q-signals to accomodate the ongoing graying of the hobby. Complaints followed and the article was pulled…

…but not before I snagged it and got permission to re-post.


QGM: Are you operating golf cart mobile? I am operating golf cart mobile.

QAR: Is your arthritis acting up today? My arthritis is acting up today.

QBP: How many bypasses (or stints) do you have? I have ___ bypasses (or stints).

QDF: Does (or did) your ICD (implantable cardioverter-defibrillator) zap you when you key down? My ICD zaps (zapped) me when I key down.

QDN: Are you wearing dentures? I am wearing dentures.

QGC: How many grandchildren do you have? I have ___ grandchildren.

QID: What kind of incontinent diapers do you use? I use ___ diapers for incontinence.

QJR: How many joint replacements have you had? I have had ___ joint replacements.

QLO: Do you know what LOL (or IMHO, ROFL, etc.) stands for? ___ stands for ___.

QLW: Do you watch Lawrence Welk reruns? I watch Lawrence Welk reruns.

QMD: Who is your geriatric physician? My geriatric physician is ___ .

QOT: Are you an Old Timer and were you licensed before no-code licensing? I am an Old Timer and I was licensed before no-code licensing.

QPA: What is your PSA level (or have you had your PSA level checked)? My PSA level is ___ .

QPG: Was that QRM or did you just pass gas? No, that was QRM.

QPJ: Do you drink prune juice? I drink prune juice.

QPM: Did you just pull a muscle? I think I just pulled a muscle.

QPP: Do you need to take a bio-break? I need to take a bio-break.

QRX: What medications are you taking? I am taking the following medications ____ .

QSS: Have you gotten your social security check? I have received my social security check.

QVC: Do you know how to program your VCR? I can program my VCR.

QWH: Do you think Betty White is hot? I think Betty White is hot.

QON Do you remember your own name without looking it up? I remember my own name without looking it up.

QWS Who sent last? I think I sent last.

QFA Are you asleep – do I need to resend? I fell asleep, please resend.

QCS Is ____ your call or mine? _____ is your call.

QPC Are you power chair mobile? I am power chair mobile.

QAS Are you in assisted living? I am in assisted living.

QWK Are you living with your kids? I am living with my kids.

QED Do you have erectile dysfunction? I have erectile dysfunction.

QCZ Do you have a card from The Canal Zone? I have a card from The Canal Zone.

QTL Do you know who Timothy Leary was? I who Timothy Leary was.

QEC Have you ever sat in the engine compartment to fix your car? I sat in the engine compartment to fix my car.

QFC Did you take your tests at an FCC field office? took my tests at an FCC field office.

QPH  Are you enjoying poor health? QPH – I am enjoying poor health.

QVC Do you prefer Viagra or Cialis? I prefer _____.

QLK Do you want to know all about my liver or my kidney(s)? I want to know all about your ______.



John Harper, AE5X, is a regular contributor to and writes from Texas, USA. Contact him at

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