Calendar Post by Month

June 2011


Big T-Ball, BarBQue, and other things

It was a big, busy Saturday.  Grandson said he had to get up at 4am so he could be ready for his 9:00AM T-ball game?  He does not yet have a real concept of time

We did rouse around at 7AM.  I was first up and made just enough noise that he woke up so he and I checked out some of his toys before we all got around and ready to get to the Ball Park.  This time it was not as windy as the last time and there was not near as much dirt in the face as before either.  That didn’t seem to make much difference to the kids.  It is real hard to hold a 5 year olds attention on one things for a whole hour.  Some of the players appeared to be upset they had to get up so early and they were not totally into playing a game at 9AM.  Some were a bit late but all seemed to be happy at the end of the “2 inning” match that took 50 minutes.  I am not sure anyone kept score or even cared – heck it was t-ball and the whole idea is to get them involved, learn a little about baseball, and maybe have some fun while interacting with other kids their age.  In general they sometimes get the idea and make some good plays that amaze you then a few minutes later they are off planning their next block building exercise instead of playing a game?  I have noticed that the dirt and dust is generally more interesting than the ball and running fast is only for the huddle and food not baseball?  It was fun (as long as it only lasted an hour). 

After the big game we got back to the house and kind of lost track of things, then it was lunch time.  Why are all the really good restaurants on the other side of two towns over here?  That said we had a good BarBQue lunch at a place called HARD 8 BBQBig place, good meats, good BEANS!… I thought I would hold my self back and went for the stuffed baked potato. I also hoped it would hold my stomach fire down by putting in a small amount of grated cheese and sour cream.  In the end I stuffed in some cold slaw, a little sausage, a bunch of chopped beef, a cup of the free beans (who knew they served beans as much as you want), and some cherry cobbler that was tart enough to draw a pucker on any thing

The after lunch activity was to head on down to Mike Hobby Shop.  They were dirt racing models outside (gas engine units), dirt racing (battery units) inside, battery cars on the flat track and when no cars were out flying small planes in the building.  Suffice to say this is a damn big hobby shop for race cars and planes.  In the store they have a few model plans hanging from the ceiling (for sale) that would go nearly 1/4 scale?  but there were a bunch  of smaller size planes both battery and gas hanging up for sale and boxes and parts beyond belief.   We watched several races on the inside tracks, and there were people coming and going all over the place.  Interesting to say the least.  After that experience we started the long drive back to the house

Back at the house I fit in a little nap while the boys played in the pool.  Got over my stuffed feeling from lunch and was starting to feel pretty good.  The boys left for the Baseball game and I and wife and daughter were just setting when they up and said , lets go eat.  Well I felt pretty good and was like sure, OK… Of course their favorite place was Taco Cabana and I figured ok, lets just get the single fajita and split it.  We ended up brining most of it home, although I ate all the BEANS that came with it so I would guess tomorrow will be a day in fine tune for the trip  home.  If I can get over feeling so damn stuffed!  I really need to figure out how to just not eat.  The one thing I fault my parents for is the ingrained fear of getting in trouble for not eating everything put down before me, even if I put it there.  At this age, I doubt that I will ever fix that training but I am sure I will continue to work on it!

Back to the house and I lounged around in pain for having eaten twice or more as much as I needed to for the whole weekend, and it is only half way through.


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