Calendar Post by Month

June 2011


Clean Jeep–and other home stuff

Yesterday was a busy day.  Too busy but that is how it works when I get started.

First thing in the morning was my walk.  I got in a 2.5 mile walk and back by 8 am.  Then a trip into town.  I had some papers to mail off, pick up a new back up drive for the WX computer (so I can give the smaller one to Dad), a bill to pay and check at the repair shop to see if they had a zipper part for the Jeep top.  I got the drive fine – had a print out for a special at Best Buy for the drive but stopped at Staples and they said they would match the price.  That is ok, I didn’t want to drive on up to Best Buy anyway.  After that I went to the post office but it was so busy I gave up on that and headed up the street to the repair shop.  A shop that does Trim and glass repair.  They were working on new seat cushions for the Jozeppies here in Stillwater.  They were Orange.  I really need to think more about taking pictures when I see stuff like that for the blog but never go to it.  Anyway the shop owner had gone to Wal-Mart for something so I left and went on to the small post office at the Food Pyramid.  The one is seldom busy and you can do all the same stuff there as at the regular post office.  So why should I go stand in line for 30 to 45 minutes?

I got my package shipped out with tracking- important papers – then went back to the Trim shop.  By then he was back so he grabbed up the new zipper thingy and tried to get it on but it had something extra and would not fit.  He had found a used zipper that he was able to get on and run it around and the window zipped in fine.  He then had to sew up a stop in the zipper as he had cut it to get the new end on.  That all took about 30 minutes but it works now and we have a back window again.

I then headed home to get the new drive hooked up and start moving files from the old to the new.  by then it was lunch time and we headed back in to town to meet up with wife for lunch.  That was not exciting – I mean nothing out of the ordinary.

Once back to the house I checked on the drive and it was going as fast as it could but I had a lot of stuff to move.  I was also working on several video conversions for Dad to put on that old drive for him to watch movies and things on his new TV that has a USB hook up for a hard drive.  Make it simple to put all his videos on that and he doesn’t have to swap them out in the DVD player anymore.  the extra hassle of that and the extra remote causes him to just not have any interest in watching his movies.

It then was time to clean up the “rag” top on the jeep and get those zippers washed out and put some lube (silicon or Vaseline as recommended by the trim guy) on them.  I grabbed up the power washer and headed for the Jeep and it occurred to me that it was pretty dirty so I would just wash the whole thing – not a “detail” wash but a good rub down and cleaning to get that grime off.  I do have that jeep detailed about once a year but towing it behind the motorhome and driving it around here and on the back roads it does get pretty grimy and I am not as prone to wash it up as I used to be.  Anyway I got started on that.  I should have gotten before pics of the wheels as the two front wheels were nearly black from “brake dust” and it took some rubbing to get them shined back up.  I also got under the hood as that was pretty bad as well – here is a pic of it just after I started the “wash down”


It was kind of nasty under there so everything got a good power wash…



I had to pull the flaps on the top to get to the zippers on the windows and that caused water to get inside but hey, it is a jeep right?


2011-06-16-14.07.40   2011-06-16-14.07.48


Today I went back and rubbed in some Vaseline on all the zippers to get them to run a bit smoother.  I know it is going to draw dust but most of the zippers are well covered on the outside so they will not draw dust up too quick and I can just power wash them off again next fall before I fold it down and put the the hard top back on.

After that I rechecked the filed moving and it was till working and still had several hours to finish – USB2 is pretty slow and I guess I should get a USB-3 adapter for that computer as the new drive is USB-3 capable ?  will have to investigate that.

Anyway next it was get the mower out and give the lawn a good scalped as we had spots that had not been done the last time and the back yard was growing fast and needed to be trimmed down before it got too tough to mow proper.  Anyway my mowing takes about 2 to 3 hours depending on how fast you can move and how many things you have to go around, etc.  All that on a fast zero turn mower… so I bounced around for 2 hours and got all that done.  AT about the time I was finishing up it appeared we would get some rain but that disappeared just as soon as I put the mower up and backed the Jeep in the garage?  What is up with that? We could use the rain my pond is drying up enough that even the turtles are leaving.  Saw one on the street yesterday morning and one on the dam headed north this morning

Well that was my big day yesterday and I was sore and wore out last night but got all the files moved, the new drive set up and now to put on some movies for DAD.

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