Calendar Post by Month

June 2011


I didn’t accomplish a thing today. well not much.

I had no plans to do anything of major importance or even work on my list of things that need doing.  I did continue with the movie conversions for my Dads hard drive.  He came over and we went to lunch and it was not so good.  One place I will not return for the buffet.  I almost run a lady off the road, just because I couldn’t see her in the blind spot and she didn’t accommodate my signaling that I was moving over.  I guess it upset her more than me as she was hanging out her drivers side window gesturing that I was still number 1 in her books – Thank you for the vote of accommodation to my mistake in judgment.  The mistake that people will see your signal and give you some room to make your move.

After Dad had a little nap and started his drive home, I and son made a trip back to Lowes to get parts (water filter) and I let him change them out. I again checked on the video conversions and sat on the back deck a little and that was about it for the day.

Tomorrow will be a different set of accomplishments and I suspect many of them will be more indulgent and important than today. – WD0AJG

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