Calendar Post by Month

June 2011


How to make accomplishments–Get others to do it.

I got out early and took the Jeep in to get a oil change and tires rotated.  Since they are Wal-Mart tires and I paid the warranty for them I can get them fixed and rotated for free every 5000 miles.  I had one that has had a slow leak for some time and they did find a nail in it.  It took them awhile to get it done and I was wore out setting on the hard iron bench they have in the tire department but after 1.5 hours we were back on the road.  I got back to the house to find we are making some accomplishments here.  The landscape crew showed up and started the re-work of the “Snake-River” drainage upgrade.  I hope some of this helps.

They have a Mexican fella that speaks some English but not much.  He is the concrete guy and from what I am told he does real good work and likes to work alone. From what I can see, if you leave him alone he can do a real fine job.  Although we are not yet to a point that I can really back that up I do like the way he has set up the initial part of the drainage repair.


Here is is finishing up the upper portion with rebar and tying it properly.  So much of what I have seen of the other work I had done was just dump, smooth and run.  This is being done in a much better manner.  I just hope it ends up that nice when it is finished. At least it will have a good start on being done better.


After they left I got his picture.  They have formed this one up and the steel is all in and even has the proper bends in it to run up the sides.  Most of the previous would have not put steel in and just tried to hand smooth it into shape.

They old concrete they pulled out got hauled down to a wash out here:


Below this will be a low water crossing so I can get the mower across the drainage and it will hold it from washing deeper at this point.


They have just started this part and have the rebar laying close to start cutting it into fit the way it needs to be. Then we will have some rocks put in below to form a channel of sorts and it hopefully will look nice as well as control the erosion down this hill.

I, on the other hand didn’t get much of anything done.  Feeling sore all over for some reason.  (old age).

I did pull some weeds, reset the water to run longer on the garden and flower bed in the back – guess I had cut it down way too much 3 weeks ago.  Did a little on the video conversions I have been working on for a week.  I also spent some time later on the back deck as the storms built up and tried to roll in but hadn’t done much.  It did cool down real nice about dark so that was pleasant for the setting outside.  Oh I did get a bluebird house put up to replace one that fell apart.

I will have to get my plans together and start checking the load for the next week trip out west.  – WD0AJG

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