Calendar Post by Month

June 2011


Day 1–Summer Vacation 2011

We finally got off this morning.  I was not sure we would as we put very little effort into getting ready until the last minute (last night).

I had things pretty well tucked in and I haven’t found that I missed anything but over a week it will come out that I didn’t pack something I thought we might need.

The damn wind was up before we were and by the time we got out (about 7:30AM) it was already blowing 30 mph from the south and with us heading west it was a cross wind.  It was a fight to keep it on the road and I drove slower than normal with that.  If we were full-timers or if we didn’t really have a pre-defined beginning and end to this week I would have just waited it out a day or so.  Anyway we got through it and I hate driving like that and tonight I can feel every joint like I had worked a physical job all day.

Let me state up front, I was too damn busy to get any good pictures and as usual I forgot to get them when I had the chance.  Will try to do better the rest of the trip.

We didn’t drive too fast and had to stop several times to check things out.  Somewhere just outside Okeene we heard a pop that sounded like a tire blowing out but we didn’t have anything acting like it and the tire monitor didn’t indicate any problem.  I pulled over in a large spot and got out to check.  All the tires were fine, and I could not find anything that might have caused the loud pop.  all the awnings and tires were just like they were supposed to be.  I have not looked too deep and may find something hidden that has come apart but right now it all looked fine other than at our stop in Guymon I noticed two big spots on the front of the RV and possibly some feathers caught in the front generator cover.


From the size of those splatters, which had to be bugs we were hitting some damn big bugs (grasshoppers likely).  And the supposed feathers hanging from the right side crack could indicate we got a bird as well but I never saw it.  But with the wind like it was there they had to either stay close to the ground or they would be in Kansas before they could get control back.

In Guymon I decided to top off the diesel fuel before we hit higher prices, although once we got out here we find that diesel is only 4cents more than it was in Guymon? It still hurts at 3.85 a gallon and we put in 56 gallons in Guymon but that put it full again.

We also had lunch at the north side Mr. Burger.  I used to eat at one there 20 years ago when I worked that area from Perryton.  It was ok but not something I would drive out of my way for.  We also made a stop at Wal-Mart to get the low dose aspirin we were out of at home and a bag of ice for the freezer. a loaf of bread and sandwich stuff for when we find we just don’t want to or have no where to get a meal.  We don’t cook much when we are out, although we need to fix that and do more of our own cooking.  It would help our figures and our pockets…

On from there is was just drive till you drop, or until Clayton.  We stopped in Clayton to get a new set of maps and check out the doings in NE New Mexico, just in case. We didn’t stop long and were back on the road.  We took the route on to Raton , as you can see below.



We commented that we can remember when that road was simply two lane and packed and you had to struggle along from Dalhart, TX to Raton.  Now it is nearly all 4 lane and being improved even more.  Well there were several construction sections with speed reduced to 55 but heck it is wonderful compared to 30 years ago… ha!

We hit Raton at 4:30pm (there time) and checked in to the Sumerlan RV park on the east side. We have stayed here several times.  The price is high considering, but it is a decent park , and quiet.  After we got set up we ran into Raton and had supper at El Matador.  Always looking for Green Chili when we are out here and they had some.  I really should have gotten pictures of the food.  Totally unbelievable portions.  I had the Burrito plate with green chili and Sherrie had the Green chili hamburger.  Well the hamburger was not a hamburger at all in the sense that you should get a bun.  It was a HUGE sopapilla with maybe two hamburgers in it and cheese, lettuce, tomato and the fixings then covered with green chili.  We both , up front, had gotten sopapilla and they came out big enough to cover a regular plate each.  the burrito was huge and of course we only were able to eat half of each and one sopapilla.  The means we have one whole meal left over to eat tomorrow.    This is not going to be a good trip on the waste line at this rate.

We made a usual drive up and down the strip in Raton.  Too bad that , according to the paper, they have to cancel the fireworks for next weekend as well as the balloon fest due to the extreme fire danger and the current fire just SW of town (maybe 25 miles SW).

Since they eliminated the horse racing here the town had struggled to stay alive and many places are closed or nearly so.  We did see a couple of signs that indicate they are pushing to get a casino and racing facility back in Raton but I am not sure of that happening, will have to read up on it a bit more.  That ends our day here and I am off to shower and bed as I really ache all over today.  – WD0AJG

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