Calendar Post by Month

July 2011


Day 7–Summer Vacation 2011

It was supposed to be damn hot here but it didn’t seem to get as hot as predicted.  It was still plenty warm.

Early I got out and put on the solar screens for all the windows to help a little with the predicted sun bearing down on us and it helped.

Then I started on putting some Freon in the Motor home air conditioner.  When I got enough that the fan in front kicked in it would blow the fuse. Did that last time as well?  This time we heard a squeal form the engine area so checked it out and the compressor appears to be locked up when the it gets enough Freon pressure it tries to set the clutch and that is locked up so it squeals… so much for the simple fix.  Now we drive home in the heat with no front air.  Oh well.  Then in August when I get back it goes to repair and find out the damage that will cause (money wise).

Once I found out I could not put a simple fix on the air unit I shut that down and went to help or rather stand around and watch as Keith worked on a damaged bulk trailer.  Seems the driver had dollied down, then when he came back he didn’t get the 5th plate latched proper and when he took off the trailer came off, crashed down (with a load) and bent up, or broke nearly all the front discharge cone connections.  The cone was a mess all mashed in and they (company repair) had patched what they could but it was not working properly, so they asked Keith to put a “fix” on it.  It ended up a take it off and pound it out for the cone but there will be a lot of re-weld and repair for all the other stuff as well.



He got it mostly pushed back out but looks to me like there will be a few days of welding to get all the connections back to working order as well.

At lunch time we took off for Big Burger World in Canon.  One of our favorite places to go get a Open faced chili burger (with fresh green chili).  We try to get one every time we are here and then take it to the park near the river and enjoy the food, scenery and other things.  Sorry no pictures of the open double chili burger – we were hungry.  but got some of the park.



I was a bit slow on the trigger with the show that ensued.  We had finished eating and were just enjoying the cool breeze in the shade at this park.  There were several dog owners here playing with their dogs and the tow above appeared that they were in training.  The one you can’t see was brown – part lab, and the black may have been full lab.

They did very well coming into the park on leash and by command would set, and such things, but when they got out the ball for them to chase the black one was supposed to go fetch.  It took, off, sniffed the ball and came jaunting back.  No ball.  Next throw the brown one yanked loose from the handler and like a shot got the ball and brought it back, while the black one just trotted along with the brown one.  In a few attempts they never got the black one to retrieve… but all of a sudden the brown one saw another dog on the far side of the park retrieving a Frisbee, that just looked like way to much more fun and like a shot it was gone, the black following and the handler (lady in white) was yelling and “trucking”-it” after the dogs… the “Frisbee” dog had not interest in the other two, only the Frisbee, the two once they got there found they were not going to get the Frisbee either and not fight happened but the lady working these two was really scolding and leading them back… I really wanted to get a picture of the chase but didn’t have the camera on at the time and by the time it was up and ready  they were all calmed down again but it sure was funny at the time.

We did see a lot of these flowers at the park – no idea what they are but they sure were pretty.


After the show at the park we took a drive around town and found that there are a lot of houses for sale in Canon.  Many of the same ones we saw last year too.

I did get a picture of an old station, I vaguely remember it as a real station some 35 years ago but had since been changed into an office and they left the original signs up on the building.


As you can tell the most recent tenants are now gone and it is for lease again.  Standard Oil has been gone for a real long time?

We got back and just chilled out the rest of the afternoon or rather , tried to not get over heated.

Had a great dinner supplied by Sister and some conversation and then more setting and resting before the long drive home tomorrow.  The week was too short.  I could have been out here for months spending time in many of the  spots we visited and maybe doing a little fishing but not in a short week like this.  Some day it will be more than just a week here and week there.  – WD0AJG

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