Calendar Post by Month

July 2011


Work and the record

Today, was…. another one of those days…

Got up fairly early and got out and made a 3mile walk by 8AM… Had to get it done that early because it was already 80 degrees by 6:45.

After the walk, I had a bowl of oatmeal.  Great stuff for the periodic fiber and system regularity.

I had it in my mind to hit the back deck and get to the power washing.  I figured that the back deck was on the west side and the sun would not get there till late afternoon.  Power-washing would provide plenty of wet and cooling mist, and it really needed to be done.   I worked on that from about 9AM until after 2pm in about 2 hour sessions.  I had mixed up a bucket of soapy water and Clorox to get some of the stains out and help clean the deck wood.  I would scrub 6 to 8 feet of the deck then wash it all down.  Do this repeatedly.  At one point I had to stop as I remember that the window below was supposed to have leaked so I got out the caulk and made sure it was sealed up all the way on top and both sides.  Then back to the washing…

At 2:30pm I gave up or out?  not sure which.  I came in, got another glass of water, set for a little and then went back out side.  After being out all day setting inside in the 76 degree cool was too cool.  Setting outside I was falling asleep so it hit me – GO TAKE A NAP… and that is what I did.  I must have been pretty tired as I slept for over an hour, once they left me alone.  Since I don’t take naps too often and I just came in and laid down, they thought I was sick or heat stroke…

AT about 5:30 pm I was out back checking the deck and found some spots that need to be redone and at the same time the sprinklers came on.  I tried to get some shots of the birds using the raised garden bed sprinklers for a bath but it was too far away.  The blue birds really like it and they dart in and out the whole time but tonight I saw one of the Humming birds we have setting in the tomato plants getting his wash down.  In and out and working the leaves for water.  Interesting to say the least but in these days I am easily amused or interested in the finer things of observations.  Like last night there were a huge number of black and white dragonflies darting in and out around the sprinklers at another flower bed.  We have had a big crop of the Black and white variety this year.  As posted the last few nights I also , usually at dark, set and watch the emergence of the little green tree frogs from the hanging flowers.

This evening I said to wife, lets go out and eat as I just hate to wait till 9pm for dinner as I really would rather go to bed by 10… So the wife and I agreed to have an early dinner.  Since I had not had lunch I was pretty hungry but I think I ate a bit more than necessary, even though I only had one burrito , I was feeling stuffed after ward… With all that water I was downing I suppose I was filled up by that first?

She had gone to an open house at the new Zumba studio so I picked here up and on our way away from that we saw this?  not sure if they were moving in, out or that was the best place for storage? Note the car is full as well.


Back home it was still hot… todays high – 112 according to local weather and it is still 102 at 9:30pm… now that is damn hot!.

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