Calendar Post by Month

July 2011


The Heat SUCKS!

Day after Day after Day… the temps have been over 100 here… This is getting to be a real nightmare.

It would be nice to see some of these on the Horizon again… Maybe not quit like this one but rain clouds would sure be nice.


The first thing today was to get in touch with the repair shop to get the air unit on the motor home fixed.  Not that we are going to head out any time soon in this heat… But if we do, I damn sure want it to be working.  Not like our trip home last week.  Yes, I do have the back up and can run the generator and the house unit air-conditioners but that is excessive while driving, not green as we use a bit more fuel to stay comfortable, and it just does not work as well since we not able to cover the big windshield to block the sun (I guess we could butt it would not be too safe.

I got it to the shop about 9am and it was already way too hot for no air, top that off this morning the internal fan would not blow out, seems maybe the damper or something is closed.  I could here it blowing but nothing coming out the vents so it didn’t even stir the hot air.

They will get it in today and get the numbers for parts and give a go to the warranty people and see where we get on that.

I went to Lowes and got the deck coat sealer to I can start putting it down – but will not be out there in the afternoon… I can do it in the morning as the sun is on the other side of the house but when the sun is on the deck, I plan to be inside when it is this hot.

I spent some time going through some old pictures and need to get back on the scanning of them.  I have promised to get as much of that done as I can and then make DVD’s for everyone in the family to see all the old pictures and have electronic copies out and saved before the old stuff fades away.  in the process I found a new paper – from Wheeling, MO.  dated December 4, 1897.  It is not in great shape but can be read.  I need to find someone that can help with preserving it I guess?

Since I didn’t get anything in yesterday this is the bulk of my action then:

I finished up the deck power washing.  Decided that was enough for a Sunday so we loaded up and made a drive out to the two lakes north of here.  They, the university which owns one lake, had cleaned up one of the campground there and it was not too bad, compared to how it was 3 years ago… but it was pretty hot and there were not too many people out and about.  We then went on up to Lake McMurtry, which the city owns.  There were drove around the campground and found only two rather hardy individual there.  No one was even there to get in the water ( on the west side)… so that is pretty hot when they can’t even stay out to get in the water… ha!  We did spot this cabin, that I had never seen before, on the way in.  This is a bit out of place here, but once you get around it you see it is setting on the side of a rather large pond but still, in the middle of Oklahoma on a pond… in their pasture?  Not my idea of a fun place to hang out?



That brings it all up to date on the past two days… nothing exciting here as it is just TOO DMAN HOT!

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