Calendar Post by Month

July 2011


Rain–Not much

Today was a busy day to keep all the other Doctors employed.  First thing I had an MRI to check out my neck and upper back to ensure it is not causing some of my pains.  Since I can not take any of the common pain pills (Naprosyn) due to a potential of bleeding stomach, I have no real way of hiding the pains so we are going to ensure that it is not some abnormality or some other cause that might be fixed.  I am assuming that it is a 90% arthritis thing and I will have to learn more about pain management methods than medicines.  As soon as I was done we had to rush to OKC so Sherrie could get the check with a Urology Dr.  She has had cramps and side pains for over a year now and they finally decided to take more x-rays and some other tests and it turns out to be a stone in the Kidney.  Not just your average stone but one the size of a small marble? 

It was confirmed and it now has to be “blasted to bits” later in the month.

While we were in OKC it decided to …. Cloud up and was actually raining south of the city in Moore…. We had not see clouds like that since ?  I forgot.

We headed home with the hope of “pulling” the storms north.  It appeared we were outrunning it so I made a small detour in Guthrie.  I had not really ever been on any other part s than the main road down the center and back out to I-35.  At least I do not remember being anywhere else.   It is really interesting with all the old buildings down town and multiple museums – we didn’t get to stop at any and I think maybe we need to make a trip back to see some of them.  Someone else has been there and you can read that blog post here –  We also went out west to see the “Cedar Valley” RV park and golf courses.  Again I am bad at remember to get pictures when we are out.  The picture on their pages shows them near full , it was not that way today but heck it has been way too hot to play golf… 

The Cedar Valley RV park sets on a golf course and next to another golf course and by a stroke of luck missed the tornados of the spring but some of the houses and a lot of the trees on the east side were heavily damaged.  Oh and the RV park is for sale along with the golf course… Just in case you want one

As we were making the run up to the Masonic Temple, the Rain caught up so we moved on back to the interstate and tried to drag it with us.  It rained hard in Guthrie and we really could have used that burst but unfortunately when we got home it just had a very lite shower – My weather station recorded 0.12 inches.  Not enough to really get the round wet with it being so dry here. 

That was my day.  Nothing exciting here. 

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