Calendar Post by Month

July 2011


Some days you gotta squash some–worms!

Got up a bit earlier today – just could not continue to lay in bed – pain stuff. I got out and did 3 miles this am before 7:30AM… was a bit humid and looked like rain when I started but so far today we got – NONE!… It was cooler today though and that was a big help.

Once I got back and had a bowl of cereal I headed back out to do a job I really didn’t want to but the internet said it was the best way. As long as the trees were small enough I need to do it by hand!…

WE had an infestation of “bagworms” on my little cypress trees



Those pesky things were making a mess of one tree and making treats on the other two so I took things into my own hands – really!..



I individually pulled each bag, squeezed them well enough to ensure the worm inside met a quick demise and dumped them in a plastic bag



Then they were put in the trash to be sent as compost to the dump.

I was going to put a coat of water seal on the deck but since it rained yesterday and the instructions say do not apply if there is going to be rain in 24 hours I held off on that chore.

I then put the USB3 card I got a month ago, into the weather/APRS computer. This for the USB3 drive I have for back up out there. It is supposed to be blazing fast now? I hope.

I got a couple of calls about work – neither of them too promising so I am still working out all my alternatives and did some looking for new work then off to lunch.

In the afternoon I had another visit with a Doctor that now wants his own second opinion – or rather he wants me to get this second opinion that doesn’t make me feel too good with all the other ailments going around here, we really do not need one more? but they come how they come. I then got home and my replacement radio for the APRS station was here. I rushed out to get that back on the air and made several test to ensure the Tiny Trak4 was not causing the radio to hang up (the radio tech that is to fix my last one things it was the tiny trak that went bad but from all the tests it works fine? I had sent an email to Byon and must say he is great on support and quick to respond, I may have to get another one of his units. But for now the APRS is back up and I see no problems. I did however set the FT2900R to 30, watts not it’s maximum 75, and set the Time-Out-Timer to one minute to shut it down if it transmits that long. That was about all I could or wanted to get done today. – WD0AJG

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