Calendar Post by Month

July 2011


Just too hot to get interested

It was and still is just too damn hot to get fired up about anything right now.  I did get a few small tasks done but today was a day to “LOUNGE” around.

I was up around 6:30 and did a little of this and a little of that and roused the wife and said, “lets go get breakfast”.  Ok that caused a little movement.  In the process we took the recycle stuff to the drop off.  I have a pet peeve about that.  I got 3 recycle containers to keep the major stuff separate – cardboard, plastic, paper.  Well, it seems my family just opens the door and throws it out and hopes it lands in one of them.  So either before I go or once there I have to spend extra time sorting that damn stuff out.  a split second spent at the “toss” stage would cut out the extra work.  Just like a little time at the end of each task would get the tools or stuff put away rather than coming back some time later and wondering “where did I leave that?”   I am guilty for some of the same things but I do try to work at finishing up tasks when I start them.. I really need to work a lot harder at it before I can criticize openly the failings of others but damn it is a pain.

We went to the wife’s favorite spot – Shortcakes diner.  It is an old style diner and usually the service is quick and the food cooked to order.  Today… not that same, as I think they are breaking in new wait staff and new cooks.  The service was really slow and the egg my wife got was over cooked and the hash browns were under cooked.  We will need to wait awhile so they new people can get their acts together before we return.

I had one more stop to make after that.  I needed a few more gallons of deck sealer to finish up the wood decks.  I got 3 gallons and we moved on to Atwoods for a cheap sprayer to apply the sealer.  I had been doing it all by brush and roller.  I thought the little one gallon sprayer would speed the job up and be ok.  WRONG… the $7 sprayer worked for about 20 minutes then the handle to open the valve came loose.  Of course it is all plastic and no way to make it any tighter and I was not getting any luck at making it work.  To top that off the use of the sprayer was messes as HELL.  I worked the whole back deck with a brush and roller and had very few spills, slops or excessive coating of my own hands, but with the sprayer it was everywhere and I had to wash up 3 times and left a mess on the concrete as well as a few other places… I ended up finishing with the brush and roller and now notice several spots that I will need to go back and hit one more time.  Anyway, I got the front porch 95% done with the exception of adding a little to the steps out front and the missed spot and then the back, I have to get the outside face that requires the ladder.  Maybe this next week it will all be done.

I also took a short nap this afternoon during the heat as why would I want to be out in that anymore?   On our way home from our morning excursions I spotted the neighbor to the north and stopped to ask him about his pending trip.  Last spring we had talked and he said that when it got hot he would get in his motorhome and be gone until it cooled off.  I said “great plan” .  But we have had 24 days of over 100 and I had to ask when it was going to be hot enough for him to head out?  He said he was suffering from some of the same problems I had, repair problems with the motorhome.  Seems they were ready to head out a few weeks ago but found one of the jacks would not pull up.  They took it to a repair shop and figured a day or so and it would be ready and they would be on their way… not so! The jack company is also practicing the “just in time” methods and they only make the jacks when they are needed and only when in enough quantity so he has had to wait 2 weeks just to get the jack to replace the broken one and they hope , next week.  OUCH, just as bad as my problems.

So that was pretty much the whole day and since I didn’t get any pictures of my work, I am going to post a couple from last spring.  I met this lady at a local gas station.  Very interesting side car and the riders were fun as well –


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