Calendar Post by Month

August 2011


We got Rocks

It was another hot one today.

I was out early and off to OKC, picked up the motor home.  It all appears to be ok but once I got home and stopped to unhook the jeep, it left a small oil spot.  it appeared to be from the air compressor area but not sure.  I checked, and wiped off the connections and will run it several times and see if it does it again.  After some thought it could have been from the air pressure dump valve but I am just not sure at present.  I called the shop and warned that it appeared to have left an few drops of oil and they appear to be from the compressor connection on one side of the compressor.

That done we were off to lunch and send off some letters and things, then back to work on the rock.  While I was out this morning they delivered a semi truck load of rock for the lower drainage.  This afternoon the landscape guy came and got it all spread out and it looks real good from the deck.



Just wish now that the entire ditch had been done this way.  I mentioned  that to the landscape guy and he said it could be done pretty easy.  My comment “anything can be done just depends on how much money you have to throw at it”….

Anyway the drainage is done for now.  If there is money next year we may fix another piece to look like this but doubtful.  Since it has not rained enough to run down it this year, I will wait till it needs repair before we do anymore drainage work.

I also spent some time finding leaks and repairing the drip systems.  Now that we have a lot more pressure on the lines It is blowing off the ends of the small 1/4inch hoses and I have to do a better job of tying them on.  Also had to make a lot of adjustment sin the rates to accommodate the extra pressure.  That is about all I got done today.  Still real sore and ache from yesterday as well.    Maybe it will smooth out by tomorrow?  – WD0AJG

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