Calendar Post by Month

August 2011


It was a nice day :)

It seemed as thought today was a really nice day, other than a little distressing news that really had little to do with us. 

First, we were both up very early,well not very early, but early for both of us.  I got up at the usual time of about 6:15 or so.  I knew we were going out for breakfast but didn’t know the wife had to take a calcium pill that requires here to be up but not moving for about an hour after the taking.  Once that was accomplished we headed out. 

I would like to say we had a great breakfast and went some place unusual, but in reality we went to an old favorite fast food joint for breakfast.  They make pretty good breakfast burritos, which Sherrie had but I opted for the FAT load and got pancakes with bacon… it sure hit the spot, even it if wasn’t a special place or something fancy.   We then had some things to mail and deliver so back downtown to get that accomplished.  Well one out of two was done.  No UPS today. 

We then headed back to get a supply for the stained glass machines, I intended to get on the project of finishing up my Dads’ pheasant glass.  I got the additive for the cutting machine and we needed to go to Hobby Lobby… Sherrie had some 40% off coupons so she got a couple of skeins of yarn for some projects she has been working on.  Seems she now has the knitting bug, it will change before long to the needle-point bug then back to something else but right now it is knitting. 

With that done we made a run to Attwood’s to check out the wind chimes.  They had 25% off this weekend on their chimes but I didn’t see anything that interested me as much as the ones at Hobby Lobby and if I had a 40% off coupon that would make it cheaper than the kit I had looked at, so the plan was to go home, get another coupon and make an afternoon run

Well I dropped Sherrie off for some Zumba stuff and took the UPS package to the UPS store hoping they could ship it off… no luck on that as for some reason we didn’t have a proper shipping label?  It was a special package and we thought it was all set up so that is now waiting for something else to happen. 

At home I got the stuff out of the Jeep, did a few little things around and mostly worked on some email and reading.  It was getting hot so I turned on the air conditioner in the shop so I would not burn up working on the glass.  That all fell apart when I got a call from my Dad and it occurred to me that we should make a run over there this afternoon.  He had mentioned he could come here but it would be easier for use to go to him so we took off about 1pm for Enid.

We did however get the 40% coupon and would stop at the Hobby Lobby in Enid. Once there, I could not find all the wind chimes , then I found a lot, way more than we had in Stillwater and actually found the one I had been looking at so we just picked it up paid our way out, of course at a 40% discount. 

Once at DADS I helped him get his check book straight as I had messed him up the last time I was over.  Well he helped some because he could not find his old register and all I knew as to go by the totals at the bank and adjust when we found something outstanding.  Anyway we got it all straightened out, got it to match up with the bank, we hope and things should be good.  We had a little visit about some other things and then took off to have supper.  Dad is partial to bar-b-que and we had tried the Rib Crib in Enid once before and it was pretty good that day.  So we went back today.  I can say the meat was good but Dads’ margarita was bad.  He does like a margarita once in a while but this one was not do good.  He ended up with plenty of left-over for another meal later. 

We had a brief stop at his place then headed home and that ran us into some rain!… Been a long time since I had seen wet pavement, but it was strange as it had been hot for so long and the grass and fields so dry that the rain did not smell clean and fresh, it smelled like burnt, wet grass? 

Once home we found it had stormed here some time ago and our sun shades were broken loose on the back deck, We got them pulled back and rolled up but missing some parts that will have to be found or purchased later , but it was wet, not real wet but wet and we are thankful for every little bit we can get.

Tomorrow I will try to remember to get a picture of the wind chime that is now hanging on the back deck.  Not sure how long it will hang there as it will catch a lot more wind and make a lot more noise than the little dinky things we have had in the past… We will give it a little time to see how it works out. 

That was the total of our day, not special by any means other than a little private time with my wife, a little time with my DAD.  Some decent food and a little rain to cool things off and maybe give a spark to the rain gods that we need a little more.  – WD0AJG

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