Calendar Post by Month

August 2011


Just a day, but always new stuff.

I started out for my early morning walk and this greeted me…


I went on but about half way the wind picked up and it looked like it could flood at any point so I turned and got home , just in a little sprinkle and then ???? nothing…

Later the welder showed up to assess the tower problem and figure out the cost of fixing, plus adding some guy posts so maybe this bending problem will not  happen again.  I had really hoped to not put in guy wires and posts but in Oklahoma, It appears necessary, although it may still not totally end the problem it will build up the resistance to failure. We hope.

Then it was lunch and back to handle a few small things.  Work emails, etc.  I guess I will still be working, just waiting on some travel orders.  Maybe in Houston for a few weeks starting August 23?  We will have to see how it all goes.

During my trip into town I got a few more pictures of the damage from the big wind… makes me feel better about my small damage. (a little)

P8100004   P8100008

P8100013   P8100019


Later when the wind died down I got after letting the tower down, stripping off the antenna equipment and other stuff, then struggling to get it “un-pinned” from the base so I could pull it out of the way.  the bend in the top had it twisted when I let it down and I had to find a “sort-of” balance point to get a brace under then try to twist it back a little and at the same time pound out the hinge pin… I was too damn busy to get pictures of that operations and besides, I whacked my thumb and arm in the process so I really didn’t feel too much like pictures… but I did get it down, pulled back and now to call the welder to come and get it, cut it or something.  I also put up a temporary pole I had laying behind the barn with one antenna on the top to “get buy” on the APRS digi.  Seems the one I had planned on- one on top of the barn – and old mobile had a very high SWR, so I would guess that the coax has pulled or something like that and I was not getting on the barn in the dark to fix that… it will wait for another day.   – WD0AJG

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