Calendar Post by Month

August 2011


Premature? Sure hope not

But the return looked pretty good and the price was down enough to surely give it a pop so on Monday during the really big down, I was buying a few dividend payers with some of the cash I had been building getting out of stuff since early July… I had been cutting losers near the 20 to 25% lose limits and had sold a few long term winners as they percentage of the folio was way high on them… so took out my original investments on some and what is left, I see as zero cost?  not the real way to measure but I had the original amount + in some cases,  to now roll over to new investments and those that appear to be holding better in the down days. 


I bought in on some – much of this is partnerships and so it is not really dividends but we can look at it that way.

CXS – paying 10% returns that has bumped back up a little over 5% also

WIN – paying 8.5% returns and it bumped back up 10%.

UAN – paying 8.15% returns and it is bumped back up 18% (have no idea why so much jump but it is a very lightly traded stock.

then added to:

PSE – paying 7.39% returns but is still down about 6% from my average in price.

CQP – paying 10.68% returns and it too is down 1.7% from my average in price

I just wish I had a several hundred thousand invested like this, I might be living on the returns and working would not be as important?



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