Calendar Post by Month

August 2011


Missed opportunities

I have missed several really good ones in the past two days to get some great pictures… so you will just have to put on your imagination caps…

well not totally… There is a series of cars now in Stillwater with “eyelashes”…I say a series as when you see 3 in one day that makes a series, right?  The first one I saw passed me at Country Club and 51, it looked almost like this one:

but I am not sure of the model car… but it was red like this one? Who knew they actually make these for cars as they were easy to Google and find..


Next I saw a VW beetle with eyelashes on it…like this…


I am just glad I didn’t see these additions:



This might have caused an accident!…

Later I made a trip to Wal-Mart with wife and daughter… for some odd reason they had to go to the East Wal-Mart which is more likely to be filled with sooners and rednecks and other persons that their momma didn’t teach a lot of Tact to… I was way too slow to catch it with my own camera and I tried but in one isle the typical Swooner was pushing a cart but having problems standing upright… a lot of leaning on the cart and moving really slow… I know it was a Swooner as it was a Big 12 championship shirt that explained 10 years of dominance on the back… anyway the view I got and could not get a picture of looked like this…


I am sure I had many more missed opportunities in the past couple of days… A bunch of them, I just never knew I missed.  I am also having senior moments lately… and I am not really a full fledged senior yet but I think my memory has gone off to cooler climates with out me… I sure hope it comes back soon because I need to remember4 what it was I started out doing here?  – WD0AJG

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