Calendar Post by Month

August 2011


Social media backfire tonight

About 7pm tonight my phone started “making funny noises”.  They are funny to me as I seldom send or have any test messages but I was getting messages.  The first was an Introduction in like “hello (blank) am am (blank) and saw your # in my yearbook so …. (It was a hitting or “trolling” exercise).   With all the kids moving back in for the new year I suspect there is a lot of “trolling” going on.  Hell we did it 40 years ago… ha!… but with the new social media the errors can get compounded.

In my day there was the “party line”.  The phone company had a back door open circuit that just dumped people into a open space when they got a busy signal.  You could dial your own number then talk to people between the beeps…. Back then there might be 20 or more people out there talking, trying to pick up girls , etc.… and maybe 10 times that many just listening… Hell, everyone knew about it… The phone company got it fixed some later that year

There were also those brazen people that would paint or put there phone in the window facing the girls dorm… just hoping that one of a thousand calls would be worth the effort…

That was just a couple of the open methods and of course the old “saw your picture in the yearbook” for the call… well now it is texting for that…

I ignored the first 3 or 4 messages figuring the other end would either figure this end didn’t want to talk or he might go back and find his mistake… didn’t happen.  Got to say he was persistent… finally I responded that he really needed to double check the number and that I had owned that number for 6 years but, “if U r hitting on 60 yr old men then I am going to get real nervous”   I think that woke him up a bit because his response then was “Umm I don’t think so cuz that is beyond gross”…

Damn social media anyway – he should stick to Skype… he can see what he is getting into there…. ha!  – WD0AJG

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