Calendar Post by Month

August 2011


Planes and work… YUK!

Well it is planes and things and travel and dealing with idiots again today.  I have not traveled in several months and had almost forgotten how to pack for trips, how to prepare for the drag of hurry-up and wait associated with flying.  I know I have posted about my dislike of travel these days – Rotate – Rotate, Travel plus TSA, Again, we do it again, etc.… and my feeling about it has not changed, but my need for income is strong so it “hi-ho and off to work we go cause we owe owe owe”.  Thanks also to my not being an astute financial person and the market taking a dump while I watch instead of being swapped out of the tumbling investments I am down several percent.  Not as bad as the market totals… I was shifting a lot of investments into “safer” returns.  Many of them have only gone down a little or not at all.  

Back on July 4th, when I got the call to not come back, I thought that I would be off to a new job, with a lot less money, and struggling to survive or maybe just drawing Unemployment?  You know I have always said I could live in one of those Colorado Artist town and draw unemployment checks as good as any of them.  Well they didn’t do the termination and I hung out for the past two months at home, the did come up with another job that I can do and not move.  Although, it is a job that requires me to be out traveling more than 50% of the time.  Since I need a job for another two years, I had to accept and try to make the best of it.  On the other hand it may be fun as it is an auditing job and I really did enjoy the last one I had, just not the excessive travel we were doing.  Maybe this one will be a little better. 

Being and auditor is similar to being a consultant.  You really don’t have to know or do the job, just know enough to see what is wrong and tell people to get it corrected.  In the old audit job we did help with setting up the plans and getting the corrections in place but the audited facility had to get it done.  I can handle that.  In fact I was just about ready to jump to a consultants job when I found out that I would have this gig.

This will be a change and maybe a good one that will re-peak my interest.  The old job had faded to a point that it was a spot to go through the motions.  My interest had dropped to the same level of the students as they for the most part were not totally into the “real-work” part of the system just the classes and discussions.  This new deal will be interesting at the start as it will require me to learn, be active and see some new places and things.  I always liked that. 

So off to the airport I go.

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