Calendar Post by Month

September 2011


September market,what will it do?

Everyone is talking about what the market will do.  None of them know for sure and I sure as hell don’t.  Just the same I can make a prediction with no more substance than the talking heads, so here goes…..

I fear that the market will continue this shifting and consolidating for a week or so, this is to suck in the remaining idiots.  It will then make  bigger drop to weed out those idiots and suck out more of our money.  Then after everyone is really crying it will take off for an end of the year rally.   The real kick will be that it will trend down all next year to reach lows seen in 2008, or maybe even 2000.  The trend down will be due in big part to or idiot politicians fighting over there futures and not giving a rat’s ass about ours or the country.   Since we are a global society now it will also be effected by the idiot politicians in europe ignoring their problem as well.  I really hope some of them wake up soon and figure out how to work together, but I am doubtfull.

That my friends is my prediction.   Should it come true send your reverence to my great insight in the form of gold and silver.  I like the smaller coins as they will trade easier.  I am not opposed to you sending dollars but use express delivery as i do not want to lose value while we wait for the post office to deliver them   WD0AJG

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